Kaj so Musk, Dorsey in Wood rekli o ESG, zeleni energiji in rudarjenju bitcoinov?

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Milijarderji so imeli sestanek Zoom yesterday, and it’s all crypto Twitter talks about today. Bitcoin should embrace ESG concerns, thinks Cathie Wood. Jack Dorsey hopes Bitcoin will bring world peace. Elon Musk doubled down on his sketchy views about the subject and wasn’t confronted. Just another day in the neighborhood.

In Bitcoinist’s first-impression-candid review plošče »B B Word« smo opisali kot:

Sprva smo mislili, da gre za dogodek za organizacije, institucionalne akterje in vlagatelje. Vendar se je beseda "B B" na koncu predvajala prek interneta in si jo je bilo mogoče brezplačno ogledati. Musk, Dorsey, Wood in gostitelj Steve Lee so bili na različnih lokacijah. Nastavitev telekonference je ponudila sproščeno vibracijo, hkrati pa je zmanjšala vložke. Lahko bi trdili, da je zaradi tega dogodek postal manj prepričljiv.  

And we complained about Dorsey and Wood not confronting Musk on his wild takes and uninformed assertions. On the subject of Bitcoin’s energy usage and ESG concerns, it was no different. Musk repeated all the low-level material he’s performed on Twitter, uncontested. Dorsey talked about wasted energy and Bitcoin being the incentive to develop green energy alternatives. Wood talked up the report ARK Investment and Square authored and stayed on the sidelines.

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Poročilo ESG in zelene energije ARK In Square

Bela knjiga z naslovom „Bitcoin je ključ do bogate prihodnosti čiste energije” comes signed by The Bitcoin Clean Energy Initiative. That’s an ESG centric program created by Dorsey’s Square and Wood’s ARK Investment. It concludes:

Our model demonstrates that integrated bitcoin mining could transfigure intermittent power resources into baseload-capable generation stations. It suggests that the addition of Bitcoin mining into power developers’ toolboxes should increase the overall addressable market for renewable and intermittent power sources. All else equal, with bitcoin mining, renewable energy could provision a large percentage of any locality’s power economically.

Čeprav sta ekipi Wooda in Dorseya avtorica časopisa, sta oba izvršna direktorja Musku pustila, da se je izognil najbolj nenavadnim trditvam.

Kaj je Elon Musk povedal o zaskrbljenosti glede ESG na forumu?

Njegova prva izjava je bila, da je mehanizem za soglasje Proof-of-Work "ni nujno dobro za okolje.” A non-committal attack that ignores the obvious: Proof-Of-Work is absolutely necessary for Bitcoin and there’s no valid alternative to it. A while after, Musk argued that “Knjigo žive meje lahko povečate"Ker bo eno od njegovih podjetij postavilo neskončne satelite, zaradi katerih bo internet hitrejši.

Besides the obvious ESG hypocrisy, how much energy will that process waste,? a question arises. The Bitcoin ledger is a lean and mean killing machine. Does this man not understand the advantages that brings? At some point Musk said with total confidence that normal people will not run Bitcoin nodes, confirming our suspicion. He said that uncontested. 

V vsakem primeru je Musk potrdil, da ima še vedno precejšen znesek BTC. Potem nam je zagotovil, da čeje bil le finančno motiviran,” he wouldn’t question Bitcoin’s energy usage. The implication was that his motivation is concern about Earth and the environment. We wonder about other possible motives. 

Then, he doubled down on his views that Bitcoin mining used “najbolj umazan premog na svetu” at one point, only to admit it’s getting better. He insisted that Bitcoin mining machines have to be on 24/7 to be profitable, a highly contestable assertion. In the end, he said that he doesn’t expect the cleanest industry, but at least some progress. And confirmed that Tesla will most likely resume accepting Bitcoin as payment.

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Kaj sta Dorsey in Wood povedala o temi?

Cathie Wood kept it on brand. She thinks that Bitcoin should embrace ESG concerns and aspire to use mostly green energy. In a boss move, Wood assured that Bitcoin already uses cleaner energy than the current financial system. She didn’t give anyone the right to reply to that.

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Jack Dorsey made headlines by saying that he hopes for Bitcoin to create world peace. He thinks that all the distractions the current system brings are keeping us from our destiny. At another point, he talked about Bitcoin being the incentive necessary to create new clean energy sources. He mentioned all the energy that our current system wastes, and how Bitcoin is already making use of some of it.  

Na koncu pa je ostal neobvezen in dejal, da se oba strinjata z Elonom in se drži papirja, ki so ga objavili.

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Source: https://bitcoinist.com/what-did-musk-dorsey-and-wood-say-about-esg-green-energy-and-bitcoin-mining/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-did-musk-dorsey-and-wood-say-about-esg-green-energy-and-bitcoin-mining

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