XREX zbira 17 milijonov USD za razširitev portfelja in partnerstev v valuti Fiat

Izvorno vozlišče: 1041183

Uporaba tehnologije blockchain za reševanje težav s pomanjkanjem likvidnosti dolarjev na nastajajočih trgih

Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (via BlockchainWireXREX, a crypto-fiat fintech company driving financial inclusion via blockchain, closed its $17 million Pre-A round, which was oversubscribed by 200%. XREX will use the funding to expand its fiat currency portfolio, acquire additional licenses, and forge partnerships with more financial institutions and digital wallets.

Na voljo fotografija Wayne Huang (desno) in Winston Hsiao (levo), kripto-fiat fintech podjetje XREX, sta v svojem krogu pred A A uspešno zbrala 17 milijonov dolarjev.

Voden z CDIB Capital Group (TWSE: 2883), the consortium of global investors includes publicly-listed companies, major banks, venture capital firms, and top fintech investors from the US, Canada, Germany, Estonia, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The strong participation by publicly-listed companies underscores XREX’s commitment to compliance with regulatory bodies.

Other investors in this Pre-A round also include SBI naložbe (subsidiary of SBI Holdings, TYO: 8473), Globalni kapital ustanoviteljevThreeD Capital (CSE: IDK), E.Sun Venture Capital (TWSE: 2884), Systex Corporation (TWSE: 6214), Metaplanet HoldingsAppWorksčrna MarmorNew Economy Venturesin Skupina Seraph. XREX closed its $7 million seed round in 2019. The investors in that round included AppWorks (lead), Skype’s late-cofounder Toivo Annus, Metaplanet Holdings, Black Marble, CDIB, WI HarperBitoEx, and the Taiwan government’s National Development Fund.

Coinbase 2

“CDIB was an early investor in XREX,” said Ryan Kuo, Head of CDIB Capital Innovation Fund. “After witnessing the company’s fast revenue growth and their commitment to compliance, we were determined to double our investment and lead this strategic round.”

"Naše poslanstvo je spodbujati globalno finančno vključenost z uporabo verige blokov," je povedal generalni direktor in soustanovitelj podjetja XREX Wayne Huang, mednarodno priznani strokovnjak za kibernetsko varnost. »Mnogi člani naše ekipe so s tržnic, na katerih služimo, ali so živeli na njih. Zavedamo se težav, s katerimi se srečujejo številni čezmejni trgovci, ki nimajo varnega dostopa do likvidnosti v ameriških dolarjih. "

By working with local regulators and financial institutions, XREX has pioneered tools such as BitCheck in MyXchange to help merchants and SMEs in emerging markets reduce forex loss, gain access to US dollars and seamlessly cross over from informal to formal economy.

Capitalizing on a successful series of new features including their mandatory User Public Profile kot tudi njihove Risk Level Detector features, XREX will roll out a user Reputation Index next year to bolster safety, transparency and accountability while encouraging social networking.

In the last eight months, XREX successfully detected and prevented fraud rings from Russia and Nigeria from using the platform, attesting to XREX as one of the safest crypto-fiat currency platforms in the world.

"Pomoč podjetnikom pri uspehu je za nas prednostna naloga," je dejala Yoshitaka Kitao, predstavnica direktorja in predsednica SBI Investment. "Verjamemo, da rešitve XREX odpirajo vrata slabim trgovcem, da sodelujejo v svetovni trgovini na enakih pogojih."

Jerry Horng, predsednik uprave družbe Black Marble Capital Management, ki je član uprave XREX, je dejal: "Bili smo prvi vlagatelj v XREX in smo veseli, da bomo v tem krogu še naprej podpirali. XREX ima edinstven položaj za povezovanje zrele tajvanske bančne industrije s cvetočo čezmejno trgovino, ki jo trenutno vidimo na razvijajočih se trgih. "

Recognizing compliance is core to digital currency adoption, XREX partners with several leading compliance and anti-money laundering providers such as CipherTraceVsota in snovin TRISA.

"XREX je po prehodu iz naše serije pospeševalnikov AW#17 v letu 2018 pokazal nad pričakovano rast. Veseli smo, da jih lahko ponovno podpremo," je dejal Joseph Chan, partner v AppWorksu, ki je član uprave XREX. "Ta krog bo pospešil sposobnost XREXa, da združi svoje neprekosljivo znanje o kibernetski varnosti z vodilnimi tehnologijami za skladnost, da ustvari varnejši in čistejši ekosistem za trgovce, lastnike digitalnih sredstev in podjetnike, ki podpirajo kripto."

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O XREX -u 

Founded in Aug 2018 and headquartered in Taipei, XREX Inc. is a crypto-fiat fintech company with a mission of driving financial inclusion by solving the dollar liquidity shortage issue in emerging economies. Armed with a team of world-leading experts in compliance, cryptocurrency, blockchain, fintech and cross-border payments, XREX offers innovative solutions to help cross-border SMEs compete on an even playing field. Follow XREX on TwitterFacebook srednjein LinkedIn.


Izvršni direktor
Wayne Huang is an internationally-recognized cybersecurity expert instrumental in developing innovative blockchain-based solutions currently used in several emerging markets. He founded Amorize Technologies in 2006, a leading developer of cloud-based (SaaS) anti-malware products which was later acquired by ProofPoint (NASDAQ: PFPT), where he served as the VP of Engineering for five years before founding XREX Inc. Huang is a highly sought after speaker and presenter at cybersecurity and blockchain-focused conferences around the world.

Glavni direktor prihodkov
Winston Hsiao is an economist, serial entrepreneur, active crypto trader, and angel investor in a number of start-ups in Asia. He founded Taiwan’s first Bitcoin exchange BTCEx-TW in 2013. He is also the founder and CEO of Verico International. After having grown up in India, Hsiao has an acute understanding of the challenges faced by SMEs and merchants in emerging markets. His role in XREX combines his passion for financial inclusion and his expertise in blockchain and cross-border payment. Winston divides his time between Taipei and India.

Zahteve za stik z mediji in zaslišanje:
Yoyo Yu
[e-pošta zaščitena]

XREX zbira 17 milijonov USD za razširitev portfelja in partnerstev v valuti Fiat 1

Vir: https://e-cryptonews.com/xrex-raises-17m-to-expand-fiat-currency-portfolio-and-partnerships/

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