Slavnostni govornik

Uradnik ameriškega ministrstva za finance je predstavil prihodnost denarja, upravljanja in prava, ki ga je gostilo vladno združenje Blockchain Association (GBA), 24. in 25. maj, Washington, DC.

Washington, DC – The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) sporoča, da bo DR Maurice, ki bo govorila v svojem osebnem imenu, osrednji govornik na konferenci "Future of Money, Governance, and the Law" od 24. do 25. maja 2023 v glavno mesto države. Konferenca združuje vladne uradnike, vodilne v panogi, kot sta Circle (CRCL) in Ciphertrace, podjetje Mastercard (MA), akademije in mnoge druge. »DR Maurice je vodilni strokovnjak za regulativno tehnologijo, peskovnike in digitalizacijo CBDC. Ima obsežne izkušnje z upravljanjem centralnih bank po vsem svetu in se pridružuje

Podpredsednik NCUA Kyle Hauptman bo govoril na dogodku GBA

Kyle Hauptman, Vice Chair of the National Credit Union Association, will be a Keynote Speaker at GBA’s upcoming conference,  Blockchain & Sustainable Economic Growth. Happening May 25-27 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC, Mr. Hauptman will present a timely and critical address on “The Future of Money and Banking.” Why should this matter? Credit Unions are organized under the jurisdiction of the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), not the SEC. Therefore, working with Credit Unions, blockchain startups can build their infrastructure outside the regulatory control of the SEC.