
Kakšne so možnosti, da ti subjekti napadejo omrežje Bitcoin

Vprašanje, ki ostaja v glavah večine trgovcev, je, kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi Bitcoin were hacked? During an episode of the Nerazvrščeni podcast, host Laura Shin brought together Ethereum Foundation researcher Justin Drake and author Vijay Boyapati to debate whether a 51% attack on Bitcoin would be possible – and who could do it.

51% napad. . .v dolarjih

Boyapati began by predlaganje the idea that security was a spectrum and not a binary. For example, users and even networks might require a different number of transaction confirmations, before they were satisfied.

Drake agreed security was a spectrum if the attacker’s hash power was less than 50%. However, he atrdil that if an attacker controls more than 50% of the hash power, security becomes a binary. Furthermore, the attacker attains “God mode” over Bitcoin, with the power to mine empty blocks until the end of time.

Taking aim at the proof-of-work consensus mechanism, Drake also trdil, that an attacker could make “God mode” a reality by buying the hash power needed to control 51% of the network.

He je dejal,

"Tako si lahko na primer ogledate hashrate omrežja Bitcoin, ki znaša približno 150 milijonov terahašev na sekundo, nato pa se lahko vprašate: koliko stane izdelava in uporaba enega terahasha na sekundo in lahko postavite dolar v tem znesku ... "

Assigning a value of $50 to one terahash, Drake calculated an attacker would need roughly $7.5 billion for an attack. He opozoriti that this “economic shield” would be “peanuts” to nation-states like the USA or China trying to attack the network.

Boyapati je trdil, da je omrežje Bitcoin ustvarjeno za spodbujanje uporabnikov z večjo močjo razpršitve, da rudarijo Bitcoin, namesto da napadajo omrežje.

Teorija iger proti ekonomiji

Medtem ko je Drake ekonomsko pristopil k napadu na Bitcoin, je Boyapati s teorijo iger trdil, da bodo nacionalne države, ki poskušajo napasti Bitcoin, naletele na odpor tako finančnih institucij kot držav držav, ki imajo BTC kot rezervno sredstvo.

Next, Boyapati explored a “nuclear option” – changing the SHA-256 proof-of-work function. He je dejal,

"V izjemno resnih razmerah bi lahko udeleženci v omrežju rekli:" želimo spremeniti svojo funkcijo dokazovanja dela. " Kaj bi to naredilo napadalcu? Vsak stroj, ki so ga kupili, vsa elektrika, ki so jo vložili v napad na omrežje, ne bi bila nič vredna. "

Drake je rešitev označil za "pomanjkljivo". Opozoril je, da bi lahko napadalec kupil rudarje ASIC, grafične procesorje in procesorje, da bi pozneje ponovil postopek.

Napadalci milijarderjev?

Apart from nation-states, Drake opozoriti that attacking Bitcoin was a “game” accessible to the likes of billionaire Elon Musk and entities like Microstrategy.

Kljub temu sta se Boyapati in Drake strinjala v eni točki: "koža v igri" je bila ključnega pomena za študij, saj so imeli tisti z najmanj vpletenosti največ spodbude za napad na Bitcoin.

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