
SHEQONOMI Partnership announced with Reliance JiO JioStore and KaiStore. 300K+ Downloads and Climbing.

Feb 12, 2023: San Juan, Puerto Rico. Global digital media and podcast listening multi-platform, SHEQONOMI proudly announces the launch of our newest mobile apps architected and built by women through global collaborations forged in response to the global COVID-19 Pandemic. We are thrilled to be amplifying the voices of several thousand women who have supported our vision since lockdown and now proudly feature content in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Bahasa, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Bengali, Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, and more. Our curated content includes more than 30 genres including

Revolutionizing Cricket Viewing: myco Secures digital streaming rights for HBL PSL Season 9 & 10

Dubai UAE Highlights: myco Secures PSL Streaming Rights: myco, a global blockchain-based video streaming platform, has obtained digital streaming rights for the HBL PSL Seasons 9 & 10, aiming to transform digital sports streaming. "Watch & Earn" Model: Viewers can watch HBL PSL matches in HD for free on myco and earn from the advertising revenue generated, thanks to the platform's innovative "Watch & Earn" model, which rewards viewers based on their watch time. Easy Earnings Withdrawal: Through integration with Simpaisa, myco's payment partner, users can conveniently withdraw their earnings

D8X Re-Engineers DeFi Derivatives With Launch on Polygon zkEVM

Supported by Polygon Ventures, D8X targets institutional users with next-gen DEX engine, innovative features, novel white-label approach [Zug, Switzerland - Feb. 6, 2024] - D8X, an institutional-grade decentralized exchange (DEX) for derivatives, has launched on Polygon zkEVM, establishing a new benchmark for decentralized finance. With support from Polygon Ventures and other notable partners, D8X reconceives on-chain derivatives, starting from fundamental financial engineering and extending to its novel white-label business-to-business model–a first for Polygon zkEVM. Until now, users seeking the trading experience offered by D8X have had to resort to Centralized

HDEX Introduces HydroGenius AI: Your Personal Guide to the Growing Hydrogen Economy

Revolutionary AI Chat Bot Empowers Users with Real-time Expert Knowledge and Unleashes the Power of Hydrogen LONDON CITY, UK - HydroGenius AI, the cutting-edge chat website developed by HDEX is set to transform the way people access information about the hydrogen economy. With its carefully curated content sources and real-time data, HydroGenius is not your average chat bot. It is a sophisticated AI assistant meticulously designed to provide users with quick facts and in-depth articles about all aspects of the hydrogen economy. "HDEX is thrilled to introduce HydroGenius AI to

Latest Survey from Sotera Digital Reveals Shocking State of Mobile Phone Security in the Workplace.

February 5, 2024, New York - Sotera Digital Security, a leading US based provider of secure communications solutions, has today released its findings from a survey it conducted among over 1,000 senior personnel of large businesses and multinational corporations across the globe. Sectors covered by the survey participants focused on those that require the need for ultra-secure and private communications - both regionally and worldwide - with clients, colleagues and suppliers; namely legal, pharmaceutical, media and corporate affairs, government, and blockchain / AI tech specialists. The survey results provide key

A Note On Charity Through Marginal Price Discrimination

Vitalik Buterin via the Vitalik Buterin Blog Updated 2018-07-28. See end note. The following is an interesting idea that I had two years ago that I personally believe has promise and could be easily implemented in the context of a blockchain ecosystem, though if desired it could certainly also be implemented with more traditional technologies (blockchains would help get the scheme network effects by putting the core logic on a more neutral platform). Suppose that you are a restaurant selling sandwiches, and you ordinarily sell sandwiches for $7.50. Why did

[Mirror] A Proof of Stake Design Philosophy

Vitalik Buterin via the Vitalik Buterin Blog This is a mirror of the post at Systems like Ethereum (and Bitcoin, and NXT, and Bitshares, etc) are a fundamentally new class of cryptoeconomic organisms — decentralized, jurisdictionless entities that exist entirely in cyberspace, maintained by a combination of cryptography, economics and social consensus. They are kind of like BitTorrent, but they are also not like BitTorrent, as BitTorrent has no concept of state — a distinction that turns out to be crucially important. They are sometimes described as decentralized autonomous

[Mirror] Quadratic Arithmetic Programs: from Zero to Hero

Vitalik Buterin via the Vitalik Buterin Blog This is a mirror of the post at There has been a lot of interest lately in the technology behind zk-SNARKs, and people are increasingly trying to demystify something that many have come to call "moon math" due to its perceived sheer indecipherable complexity. zk-SNARKs are indeed quite challenging to grasp, especially due to the sheer number of moving parts that need to come together for the whole thing to work, but if we break the technology down piece by piece then