
Understanding Currency Pairs and Exchange Rates

In a world defined by financial transactions, understanding the mechanics of exchange rates becomes crucially necessary. At the heart of these exchange rates are currency pairs, which form the cornerstones of the global forex trading system. What is a Currency Pair? A currency pair essentially involves two currencies. Without two currencies, we simply don't have enough information to establish an exchange rate. When you think about it, the exchange rate is nothing but a reflection of the price of one currency in terms of another. Each currency pair involves a

A Hero Shooter Citizen Conflict Bridges Web2 Gaming with Web3 Innovations

A brand-new competitive hero shooter by QORPO Game Studio is set to democratize esports and bring back true ownership to the hands of players. Highlights Citizen Conflict is a Free2Play PvP hero shooter based on BNB Smart Chain  The story revolves around a futuristic cyberpunk-style environment built in Unreal Engine 5 The game aims at letting retail players organize tournaments and earn from non-centralized esports without endless hours of obsessive training The game introduces unique characters, power-starved syndicates, and multiple game modes QORPO Game Studio vision is to forge a

Passport of the Future

A few years ago if you were to talk about governments being able to control your money and impose travel restrictions on their citizens most people would roll their eyes and ask where your tin foil hat was. These days however the dystopian future dreamt of by science fiction authors is rapidly becoming a reality. When it comes to dystopian visions of society and governmental overreach, most people’s first thoughts turn to China. Although they may be ahead of the curve at the moment, their path to a digital future