Crypto Loan

The Question of Liquidity

While many people consider valuation to be the most challenging aspect of NFT lending, the real issue is liquidity. When taking an NFT as collateral for a loan it would be a recipe for disaster to think it can be sold easily at all points in the market cycle. During 2021 NFTs experienced a huge uptake in their popularity. Some said this surge in demand was the cause of increased gas fees on the Ethereum network. However, in between the two peaks of this surge, there was a terrifying liquidity

Institutional investors — the future of crypto is in their hands. Or is it not?

Institutional investors are believed to drive the cryptocurrency market’s adoption and growth. Their involvement promises to make crypto widely recognized and accepted as a truly global currency. Bitcoin is supposed to gradually become an alternative to gold and skyrocket to unprecedented crypto prices.  But is this really how institutional investors work? In which direction are they actually driving the crypto market — and, after all, who are they? In this article, we will bring you the latest examples of huge whales’ interest in crypto, discover the reasons for that, and

Ethereum’s Time Is Coming – Here’s Why

On December 1, an event that has been anticipated for the latest several years took place — Ethereum 2.0 went live. Its launch has been rescheduled several times, while the expectations from a new stage of Ethereum development are extremely high.  With all the advances that will be implemented in the network in the next few years, Ethereum is to drastically increase its scalability, efficiency, and security without any harm to decentralization. From a widely recognized open-source platform for DApps’ developers, Ethereum is aiming to become a pillar of the