
[Mirror] A Proof of Stake Design Philosophy

Vitalik Buterin via the Vitalik Buterin Blog This is a mirror of the post at https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/a-proof-of-stake-design-philosophy-506585978d51 Systems like Ethereum (and Bitcoin, and NXT, and Bitshares, etc) are a fundamentally new class of cryptoeconomic organisms — decentralized, jurisdictionless entities that exist entirely in cyberspace, maintained by a combination of cryptography, economics and social consensus. They are kind of like BitTorrent, but they are also not like BitTorrent, as BitTorrent has no concept of state — a distinction that turns out to be crucially important. They are sometimes described as decentralized autonomous

Paribus : Timing is everything

Timing is Everything New York Yankees player, Yogi Berra famously said, “You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.” In all walks of life, the same is true. Timing can be as much of a blessing as a curse. Being too far ahead of the curve can be as harmful as being too late to the party. At present, the crypto market is experiencing a pump that permabears are calling a relief rally while permabulls are calling it the start