
Talking Digital Future: Smart Cities

My journey into smart cities and their future development was a really big surprise, as the way I arrived there was not something that I had planned. I was working as the chief information officer for a company in Northern California called O'Reilly Media when I got a call from a headhunter who asked if I would consider being the chief information office for the City of Palo Alto. I can vividly remember — it was only about eight years ago — my feeling when she asked the question. The

Doing Well by Doing Good: 5 Reasons Why it Works

“Do well by doing good.” The phrase has a deep meaning during this time in human history. In a nutshell, it means that companies that do good (i.e., help out during the Coronacrisis) will do well (i.e., make money and thrive). This is counter-intuitive. Logically, you would not help out during a recession: you would lay off workers, conserve your remaining cash, and “hunker down,” to use an unfortunate phrase. Here are a few reasons why the opposite is true. Your name gets out there. Many of our clients are