
The Four Quadrants of MEV Protection

Understanding the MEV Solution Landscape Like many other crypto narratives, the dark side of blockchain was first introduced on Reddit in a post titled “Miners Frontrunning.” In the now historical post, the author outlines how given the Ethereum mempool is inherently public, miners can frontrun transactions and profit on the ultimately arbitraged difference in that transaction. However, this isn’t an entirely new phenomenon in finance. The 2014 book, Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt by Michael Lewis investigates frontrunning orders in high-frequency trading. The paper Flash Boys 2.0, published in 2019, takes these observations into

3 Reasons Why Bitcoin Transactions Are Slow

Aug 01, 2020 at 08:27 // News Despite Bitcoin offering unprecedented decentralization and security, its network has one significant flow, namely, the transaction speed. A single transaction processing can take up to 10 minutes. But why is this happening? To understand why bitcoin transactions sometimes take so much time to confirm, it is essential to first understand how they are verified. Delving into the essence Once a transaction is created, a transaction message is sent to the Bitcoin blockchain and passed around all the nodes available on the network. This

Blockin Launches Bitcoin Explorer With Detailed Fee Guidance

Blockin, the parent company of one of popular Bitcoin (BTC) mining pools, Poolin, is launching a new block explorer on April 6. The explorer includes mempool statistics that would help users decide the correct fee to send their BTC payment.Blockin’s explorer provides many of the standard features shared with competing offerings, like block data, transaction information and statistics on network hashrate and pool distribution. It adds to an already large suite of tools for miners to calculate profit or compare ASIC devices.The company says that its explorer will also be