
How profitable is Ethereum in the current market

The recent 34.4% rally Bitcoin achieved stabilized the market after almost a month of a consolidated downtrend and the rally also reflected on Ethereum. When it comes to altcoins it is assumed they follow Bitcoin’s lead thus at the moment they should be rising as well. However, while Ethereum did follow BTC and jumped in value, at the moment it seems to be hitting consolidation again. Which way is ETH headed? Ethereum back into consolidation After registering a 28.8% rise in the past week, on July 27, ETH started showing

ChainSwap saga: Platform hit again; MATTER, ROOM, others tank; compensation plan announced

On Saturday, a hacker attacked the cross-chain decentralized finance (DeFi) platform ChainSwap (ASAP), exploiting a critical vulnerability in its smart contract.Roughly nine days after its latest exploit, which resulted in losses of around $800,000, the project got drained for a significantly larger sum as more than 10 tokens have been impacted.ChainSwap hacker Many projects partnered with the cross-chain platform to bridge tokens between Ethereum (ETH)) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC) were affected, including Umbrella Network (UMB), Antimatter (MATTER), Dafi (DAFI) and Option Room (ROOM), to name a few.The team published a

The Effect of Coronavirus on the Cryptocurrency Market

The year 2020, has been greatly eventful. From threats of a world war, to increased terrorist attacks. A biography on the life of the year 2020, would not only be a bestseller but also an excellent read. However the most significant single event of this year is and has been the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, at its global takeover. From a regular virus, one that was once considered to be not worse than a cold flu, to transition into a global pandemic outbreak. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of

Efforce (WOZX): Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak’s Cryptocurrency

Every so often a cryptocurrency is released that makes you a do a double take. Efforce (WOZX) is certainly one of those cryptocurrencies. Efforce was founded by world famous Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and WOZX cryptocurrency token went from a price of 10 cents USD to over 3$USD in its first days on the market. In just the first 13 minutes of trading, WOZX had an unrealized market cap of 950 million USD.Although this price action made the headlines both inside and outside of the cryptocurrency space, it seems that

Uncomfortable Truths of Trading And What to Watch Out For

There are some uncomfortable truths about trading crypto, which many people refuse to acknowledge. For instance, everybody — no matter how they play the market — is part of an emotional scheme. That means you, too. Thierry Gilgen, CEO of MachinaTrader, takes a deeper look into how social media channels dominate information about cryptocurrencies. The market is not purely mathematics. Raw human emotions play a big role, and that includes you potentially getting played. It is easy to be carried away while trading and make an emotional-based decision that results