
CryptoKitties Creators Get Partner with the NBA for A New Collectible Token

Dapper Labs, the creators of one of the most popular blockchain games CryptoKitties, are getting ready to turn the digital token world upside down.NBA patent for Dapper LabsThe March 24 edition of the Intellectual Property Magazine of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has listed Dapper Labs for receiving rights to use National Basketball Association (NBA) branding. This will include pictures of games as well as players which will be used for a digital collectible token by the company in Brazil. The new program will be called “NBA Top Shot” and it

Is Decentralized ASIC Production Possible?

The news about ASICs for Nervos CKB came out recently, as the time of writing, there are four ASICs announced, the Toddminer C1, Toddminer C1 Pro, Bitmain K5 and PA miner — the first batch of C1 was delivered on March 9, K5 and PA Miner are expected to be delivered in April and C1 Pro in May.Since mainnet launch, the total hashrate on CKB mainnet has been around 200TH/S on average, it is now gradually picking up (at the time of writing at ~500TH/S) with ASICs. Toddminer says C1+C1