
BREAKING: US Treasury Breached by Government-backed Hackers

Reuters reports that the US Treasury and another department fell victim to a hacker attack. Details are sketchy Reuters reports on Dec. 13 that the US Treasury Department and another US government agency responsible for internet and communications policy were hacked. The report indicates that these hackers were backed by a foreign government. will update with further details as they appear. Share Article James Hydzik is a finance and technology writer and editor based in Kyiv, Ukraine. He is especially interested in the development of regulation in the face

Turkey Residents Panicking Over Massive Inflation

Rampant inflation is affecting Turkish residents’ confidence in the nation’s lira fiat currency. According to a Reuters report on Aug. 14, locals are dumping lira, converting it to dollars and buying gold. Even with market interventions and reassuring stories about monetary stability coming from the government, the locals’ faith in the lira is on a downward trajectory. Inflation is currently at 11.8% and has overtaken the amount of interest offered for savings at banks. One resident was quoted as saying he had bought gold as a safe-haven asset:“I think it is the best investment

Ethereum Price Falters Around $430 as ETH2 Testnet Experiences Outage

Ethereum’s price has begun to falter after surging higher late last week. The cryptocurrency trades at $430 as of this article’s writing, which is a few percent below and a few percent above the local highs and lows, respectively. ETH is flat in the past 24 hours, trading down by a negligible 0.15%. The stagnation in the value of the leading cryptocurrency comes as the Ethereum 2.0 (ETH2) testnet has experienced an outage. It is unclear if the price action and outage are correlated, but ETH2 is a fundamental driver.

Venezuela May Soon Be Collecting Taxes in Crypto

The Bolivarian Council of Mayors in Venezuela signed the so-called "National Tax Harmonization Agreement" for 305 municipalities in the country, including the Petro (PTR) as a means to collect payments of taxes and sanctions.The cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly widely used as the result of a new campaign. According to the government, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, will be in charge of implementing a single registry of taxpayers through a digital consultation tool.She will also be in charge of creating an information exchange and monitoring system for companies to record

What Would the Re-Election of Alexander Lukashenko Mean for Crypto?

Protests have erupted in Belarus following the country’s presidential election on Sunday, but the possible continued presidency of Alexander Lukashenko may be good news for crypto.Lukashenko reportedly won re-election against opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya in a landslide victory with more than 80% of the vote on Aug. 9. However, officials from many nations and within Belarus are condemning the election results as flawed, with reports of falsified ballots. ‘Europe's last dictator’The president of the eastern European nation has served since 1994, during which time he has made a number of statements

China: Loudi City Mayor Promotes Blockchain to Fight Crime

The mayor of Loudi, a city in China’s Hunan province, has characterized blockchain technology as a powerful “weapon” that can effectively tackle crime.At a meeting of Loudi’s Municipal Public Security Bureau on Aug. 10, Mayor Yang Yiwen responded to reports on the progress of a trial blockchain project that is currently being conducted by the bureau and a local technology firm. The project combines blockchain technology with multi-party computing and big data to improve trusted data exchange and information traceability across a collaborative network. This network unites telecommunication network operators, banks and

Ethereum 2.0 Testnet Performing Well, 1 Million ‘ETH’ Staked

It’s been almost a week since the launch of the ETH 2.0 final public testnet, which has been performing as intended by most accounts. As many as one million ETH have been staked on the Beacon Chain simulation, reviving hopes of a mainnet launch later this year. The Medalla ETH 2.0 testnet has been running for six days which has given developers a chance to monitor early progress. Launched on Aug 4, Medalla is the fifth and final testnet for the long-awaited upgrade to an Ethereum proof-of-stake consensus. Phase 0

Ransomware Attacks Demanding Crypto Are Unfortunately Here to Stay

Year after year, the ransomware landscape changes dramatically. In 2019, a new resurgence of attacks occurred as businesses and government institutions became the main targets of ransomware, given their capacity to yield larger payouts. The most recent attack was against Garmin, a navigation systems company, on July 23. Due to the attack, many of its online services such as customer support, website functions and company communications were affected. Reportedly, the Russian cybergang Evil Corp launched the attack, demanding $10 million in cryptocurrency to restore access to Garmin’s services. Overall, according to a

Monero’s Hashrate Experienced Its Largest Single Day Gains Ever

August 6, Monero (XMR) has experienced its biggest increase in hashrate since the network’s creation in 2014.Monero hashrate. Source: Coin Metrics.The Monero hashrate increased from 1.67 GH/s on August 5 to 2.2 GH/s on August 6. That 0.52 GH/s single day gain is the highest in the project’s history. Prior to this, most significant daily percentage gains came in the project’s early days when the base was much smaller.Banks should embrace privacy coins to protect their clientsOn August 3, Coin Center submitted comments to the Office of the Comptroller of