
InvoiceMate Partners with the DFINITY Foundation and Migrates from Hyperledger Fabric to The Internet Computer Blockchain

  Zurich, Switzerland & Dubai, UAE. The DFINITY Foundation, a not-for-profit research and development organization based in Switzerland and a major contributor to the Internet Computer blockchain (ICP), has announced that it has partnered with InvoiceMate. will migrate from Hyperledger Fabric to the Internet Computer. The DFINITY Foundation will support InvoiceMate in this transition as it becomes an important part of the ICP ecosystem. InvoiceMate is a blockchain & AI-powered invoicing platform that acts as a bridge between SMEs and financing institutions. InvoiceMate leads to easier financial inclusion by

HealthCare AI: The Unavoidable Revolution in Modern Medicine

By Eric Greenberg In the evolving landscape of medical technology, there's one force that stands head and shoulders above the rest, promising a seismic shift in the very ethos of healthcare delivery: Artificial Intelligence (AI). As a seasoned technology and banking analyst, it is my considered opinion that Healthcare AI isn't just a trend or a buzzword. It’s the very future of medicine, poised to reshape everything we know about patient care, disease diagnosis, and medical research. To begin with, the economic implications of integrating AI in healthcare are

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials: The Digital Watermarking and AI Duo

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials: The Digital Watermarking and AI Duo Clinical trials, the linchpin of medical research, have long been riddled with inefficiencies, from patient recruitment bottlenecks to data management hurdles. As a technology and banking analyst, I've seen how digital solutions can overhaul entire sectors, offering improved productivity and streamlined processes. It's high time that clinical trials get a dose of such digital innovation, and there's a potent combination on the horizon: digital watermarking coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI). At first glance, one might wonder: how can a technique often

Cryptocurrencies in comparison: Bitcoin vs. Polygon

Bitcoin, the best-known and first decentralized cryptocurrency, paved the way for a variety of other digital currencies based on blockchain technology. One such currency that is attracting more and more attention lately is Polygon. However, Bitcoin is still the largest and most important cryptocurrency for a reason. So, can Polygon take on the crypto giant? The most important facts about Bitcoin Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency invented in 2009 by an unknown person named Satoshi Nakamoto. It enables peer-to-peer transactions without a central intermediary. Blockchain technology serves as a public ledger that tracks transactions. Bitcoin

BREATHE! Convention Charts New Territory with World’s Largest Communal NFT

For Immediate Release June 19, 2023 LAS VEGAS, NV - BREATHE! Convention, a leading event in the emerging tech space, proudly announces a groundbreaking endeavor to set a new Guinness World Record with the creation of the World’s Largest Communal NFT, during its upcoming convention in Las Vegas from September 13 to 15, 2023. At the heart of this year's convention is a monumental collaborative art project spearheaded by tech industry veteran and creative thinker, Aaron Vick. Known for his innovative digital art pieces, Aaron Vick will facilitate the creation

Coya Therapeutics Reports Additional Biomarker and Imaging Data Showing Decrease in Neuroinflammation with COYA 301 in Alzheimer’s Disease.

Highlights Coya reports new data illustrating that administration of COYA 301 (low dose Interleukin-2 (IL-2)) in an open- label study in 8 patients with mild to moderate AD (COYA 301 Trial) resulted in a statistically significant reduction in the expression of three well characterized proinflammatory cytokines -- Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α), Interleukin 6 (IL-6), and Interleukin 1- Beta (IL-1β) -- which correlated with lack of cognitive decline of the patients over the course of the study. TNF-α is one of the main inflammatory cytokines involved in initiating and propagating

The GBA Recognizes Blockchain Trailblazers

Washington, DC, June 4 2023 – The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) honored exceptional individuals and organizations for their groundbreaking use of blockchain technology in solving public sector challenges. The Annual Achievement Awards, presented on May 24, 2023, in Washington, DC, celebrated this year's outstanding winners. Rosemarie McClean, Chief Executive Officer, and Dino Cataldo Dell’Accio, Chief Information Officer received the award on behalf of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF), the Organization Award for a digital identity solution that enabled over 23,000 retirees across 180 countries, to provide their

Beyond the Dollar

The global economy is at a crossroads with the US dollar’s future as the world reserve currency facing fresh challenges. For decades, the stability and dominance of the dollar have given the United States significant advantages in global trade, investment, and geopolitical influence. However, as emerging economies like China and India rise in prominence, their currencies are gaining traction in international transactions, challenging the dollar’s hegemony. China, in particular, has been busy over the past few months, actively promoting the Yuan and seeking to challenge US dominance in the global

Paribus Mainnet Countdown.

We know the past few months have been drawn out for everyone eagerly awaiting the release date of our mainnet. Throughout each step, we’ve been direct and transparent with our community, and sometimes maybe a little too hopeful. But now the wait is over. Our developers have been working especially hard to meet the exacting requirements of the Hacken audit and we’re over the moon to have achieved a score of 8.7/10 which we feel represents the hard work of everyone involved. Now that we’ve passed with a high score

W Motors Ventures into the Metaverse to Create an Immersive Experience Around Their Hypercars.

Dubai, August 22, 2022: W Motors, the leading manufacturer of Luxury Hypercars in the Middle East, is all set for its entry into the Metaverse and Web3 space. With Tokengate as a crucial partner, the company will become one of the first car manufacturers to use the Metaverse and create a pioneering immersive, innovative, and inclusive experience around their hypercars. In a pioneering move, the iconic manufacturer of Luxury Hypercars is stepping into the Metaverse, in partnership with Tokengate. Key Highlights: W Motors will establish itself as a precursor in