
Analyzing Token Sale Models

Note: I mention the names of various projects below only to compare and contrast their token sale mechanisms; this should NOT be taken as an endorsement or criticism of any specific project as a whole. It's entirely possible for any given project to be total trash as a whole and yet still have an awesome token sale model. The last few months have seen an increasing amount of innovation in token sale models. Two years ago, the space was simple: there were capped sales, which sold a fixed number of

Blockchain system for a safer and private digital identity

Technological University's Professional Master's Degree in Blockchain Programming is designed to supply the latest updates related to the next technological revolution One of the principles used for blockchain is connected to digital identity and how it can change to make it safest, understanding digital identity as the set of data about each person and which is defined as such to other users in cyberspace who can have an idea about personality, skills, activities, reputation in businesses and in the community. It is necessary to know that actions performed under the