Varian ve Google Cloud, Kanserle Mücadeleye Yardımcı Olmak İçin İşbirliği Yapıyor

Kaynak Düğüm: 808202

8 Nisan 2021 — Varian, iş birliği yapacağını duyurdu Google Bulut gelişmiş bir yapı oluşturmak yapay zeka Kansere karşı mücadeleye yardımcı olacak (AI) tabanlı teşhis platformu. Varian ve Google Cloud AI, şunları kullanarak bir dağıtım yolculuğuna çıktı: Sinir Mimarisi Arama (NAS) teknolojisi ile organ segmentasyonu için yapay zeka modelleri oluşturmak amacıyla Google Cloud AI Platform aracılığıyla çok önemli ve yoğun emek gerektiren bir adımdır. radyasyon onkolojisi bu, kanser tedavisi klinik iş akışında bir darboğaz olabilir.

Organ segmentasyonu, teşhis amaçlı görüntülerde hedeflenmesi veya korunması gereken organ ve dokuların tanımlanması işlemidir. radyasyon tedavisi. These segmented images are then used to create radiotherapy treatment plans that specify where and how much dose will be deposited during treatment. This is a labor-intensive process that can take a clinician hours per patient. In some regions of the world, segmentation is a limiting factor in cancer patients’ access to advanced treatments like yoğunluk ayarlı radyoterapi (IMRT) doğru organ segmentasyonu gerektirir.

Varian is using Google Cloud AI Platform’s NAS technology to create an AI segmentation engine that is being “trained,” using Varian’s proprietary treatment planning image data, to create customized auto-segmentation models for organs in the body. Varian intends to incorporate these models into its treatment planning software tools for use in cancer centers around the world.

“At Varian, we are working towards a world without fear of cancer, where high-quality cancer care — personalized and optimized for each patient — is available everywhere. To that end, we have committed ourselves to Akıllı Kanser Bakımı, which seeks to automate routine or repetitive tasks in the radiation oncology workflow through the use of smart algorithms, machine learning, and AI,” said Corey Zankowski, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Technology and Innovation Office, Varian. “This collaboration with Google Cloud will turbocharge our efforts in this area.”

“At Google Cloud, we believe AI technology has the power to impact a wide variety of industries, which is especially true in the field of medicine,” said Craig Wiley, Director of Product Management, Google Cloud. “We are excited to see how Varian accelerates AI innovation and segmentation quality to improve cancer care with radiation therapy using our state-of-the-art NAS technology. As Varian’s AI platform of choice, our teams are working closely to deliver best-in-class AI for cancer treatment to patients around the world.”

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