VisionTrack, AI video telematiği ile Ticari Araç Fuarında yol güvenliğini hedefliyor

VisionTrack, AI video telematiği ile Ticari Araç Fuarında yol güvenliğini hedefliyor

Kaynak Düğüm: 1988037

Yol güvenliği, büyüyen AI video telematik çözümlerini sergilediği Ticari Araç Fuarı'ndaki VisionTrack'in standında (5E80) sahnenin merkezinde yer alacak. Şirket, etkinliği savunmasız yol kullanıcıları (VRU'lar) için bir AI algılama kamerasının yanı sıra bu yılın başlarında piyasaya sürülen AI destekli analiz sonrası yazılımı NARA'nın tanıtımını yapmak için kullanacak.

“We are embracing the latest advances in machine learning and computer vision to develop innovative AI video telematics solutions for the road transport sector,” explains Richard Lane, Commercial Director of VisionTrack. “The Commercial Vehicle Show will provide us with a platform to share our technology expertise and provide guidance on how best to improve road safety and eliminate fleet risk.”

The AI-powered VRU detection camera will be able to identify pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and people on scooters, while disregarding street furniture. Footage will automatically be displayed on an in-cab monitor, and supplemented with an audible, spoken warning with the precise location of nearby VRUs in relation to the vehicle. This will keep the driver more engaged by providing highly accurate and useful information.

Meanwhile, road transport operators will have the opportunity to experience AI-powered post-analysis solution, NARA, first hand, with demos running throughout the Commercial Vehicle Show. The device agnostic, cloud-based software is revolutionising how vehicle camera footage is assessed and helping vehicle operators to save time, costs and most importantly lives, by providing proactive risk intervention and accurate incident validation.

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