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Ngày Quốc Khánh 2021

Nút nguồn: 1304555

Adafruit loves cats. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be thus. Period! Exclamation point!! Full stop. Etc…

We’ve got a whole page dedicated to the Cats of Engineering. Speaking of which, if you’ve got a cat you’d like to add, submit it at Adafruit.com/SubmitACat!

Given our commitment to our fuzzy four-legged friends, we couldn’t miss the chance to celebrate Ngày quốc khánh mèo and spread the word about cat rescue and TNR! Read up on TNR in NYC here.

Want to learn more about cat adoption, rescue and TNR? Check out the resources below!

tiểu thư mèo con
Flatbush Cats
Orphan Kitten Club
Cơ hội giải cứu thứ hai
Giải cứu động vật Tees xã hội
Hành động động vật Brooklyn
thiên đường động vật
Trung tâm chăm sóc động vật của NYC
Anjellicle Cats Rescue
Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals has links to over 100 shelters and rescue groups in the NYC area!

Source: https://blog.adafruit.com/2021/10/29/national-cat-day-2021/

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