Cập nhật sản phẩm 01.04.2021

Nút nguồn: 821107

Introducing: Light Theme, Turbo, Participation Medals, and more.

It’s been a busy year so far at the Challengermode office and with a lot of exciting activity on the esports calendar, we thought we’d share some of the things we’ve been working on lately.

Take a preventive aspirin and put on your shades! This (rarely) requested feature is going live with a bright bang.

Players can now expect a print-ready .png participation medal in their email inbox after completing a game — everyone’s a winner!

Finally, your expensive gamer screen will be utilized to its fullest capabilities with the smoothest 240 FPS scrolling experience known to man.

Bây giờ bạn có thể chia Challengermode thành hai hoặc nhiều màn hình! Đơn giản chỉ cần kích hoạt tụ điện thông lượng của bạn máy đo chiều ngang ba chiều and you’re good to go. Cool, huh?!

When you’re the player with the lowest KD on your team, Challengermode will now automatically give you an additional 50% win rate on your profile to help you in your semi-professional career. We promise we won’t tell anyone.

Challengermode is a platform for the modern gamer. With half of our employees starting to play either Padel or Disc Golf, we figured it was time to add it and jump on the hype train.

Trong bản cập nhật sản phẩm tiếp theo, Challengermode sẽ có một chế độ ổ đĩa mới: Bộ tăng áp!

Nó làm chính xác những gì Tự động does, just way faster.

Khi đăng nhập, bây giờ có thêm 1% cơ hội mà bạn thực sự giành chiến thắng trong trò chơi Liên minh huyền thoại tiếp theo của mình. Tự hỏi điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu bạn đăng nhập hai lần? Don’t tell my boss I said that.

Our engineers have been hard at work to create a machine that automatically taps a developer on the shoulder whenever a feature they built is being used. Starting with the first prototype, every time you invite your best friend or fellow gamer to your team, the developers of that feature will receive an appreciative tap on their shoulder for their outstanding work. And what’s more: when your friend accepts the invite, we’re doubling up and tapping that same shoulder again! Think about the power you have to spread some love today. What are you waiting for?

Đó là nó cho bây giờ.

// Nhóm Challengermode

Source: https://blog.challengermode.com/product-updates-01-04-2021-545426a240c1?source=rss—-4c40b5a753db—4

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