Giới thiệu sách tại Wahbanang

Nút nguồn: 1121396

7 Tháng Mười

Giới thiệu sách tại Wahbanang

A newsletter from a Canadian organization that manages a K-12 online program.

Note that this event is later this morning.

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Book Launch – October 7, 10 AM CST

Please join us this Thursday, October 7th, 2021,10 AM CST LIVE, to celebrate the virtual book launch of Wahbanang - The Resurgence of a People: Clearing the Path for Our Survival. Included in the launch is a video presentation created by the Turtle Lodge International Centre of Indigenous Education and Wellness.

Wahbanang is authored by a respected group of Knowledge Keepers, Elders and Chiefs. These writers from the Anishinaabe, Dakota and Ininiwak Nations gathered numerous times at the Turtle Lodge in ceremony and prepared this collective, unified message for the People.

In 1971, Manitoba’s First Nation leaders released WahbungOur Tomorrows (1971), published by the Manitoba Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs) as their position paper in response to Trudeau’s White Paper. Wahbung continues to provide a plan for action that includes First Nations’ inherent right to have full authority over their health, education, and child and family services systems, informed by First Nations worldviews, laws, and approaches. The root word of “Wahbung” is “Wahbanang” —  the east, where the sun rises. Wahbanang refers to “going back to the beginning” in Anishinaabemowin.

In 2018, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, (AMC) Grand Chief Dumas passed tobacco to Elders and Knowledge Keepers at the Turtle Lodge to develop a position document for today.

Please join us in this presentation of Wahbanang — The Resurgence of a People: Clearing the Path for Our Survival.

Wahbanang is available for presale.
You may also purchase the shorter summary of Wahbanung tại liên kết này.

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Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre · 9-1100 Waverley st · Winnipeg, Mb R3T3X9 · Canada

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