
源节点: 1888553


  • 据报道,拜登政府计划在周中签署并发布与加密货币有关的行政命令。
  • 行政命令将向政府机构提供指示,政府机构将在三到六个月内报告。
  • 此前预计该订单将在 18 月 XNUMX 日左右签署,但此事一拖再拖。


据报道,美国总统乔·拜登正准备在本周签署一项关于加密战略的行政命令 彭博.



该命令将指示联邦政府机构调查与加密货币相关的主题,并为监管方法形成一个整体框架。 这些主题包括可能因采用加密货币而导致的监管变化、安全影响和经济影响。 该报告还将要求这些机构向联邦政府报告与数字资产相关的活动。

Bloomberg notes that the U.S. government is under “pressure to play more of a coordinating role” as members of the cryptocurrency industry have complained about a lack of regulatory clarity. Several companies including CoinbaseFTX have put forward recommendations for regulatory reform.

彭博 从内部来源获得其信息; 白宫本身并未就此事发表任何官方声明。


詹妮弗·爱泼斯坦(Jennifer Epstein),该书的合著者 彭博 报告在推特上指出,行政命令已经被推迟了一次。

The order was first discussed in October 2021. Later, it was expected to be released in 二月下旬 but was delayed due to a conflict between Biden and Janet Yellen, the Secretary of the Treasury. Yellen 争辩说 the executive order was unnecessary given that government agencies were already working on regulatory efforts.

尽管有这些延误,爱泼斯坦认为该报告确实会很快发布。 “加密 EO 有很多断断续续,但本周的时间表是真实的,”她 说过.

CNBC 的 Kayla Tausche 也 确认 消息称,拜登政府将在周中发布命令。 她还表示,该命令将在各机构之间“协调数字资产的政策制定”,这些机构将在三到六个月内进行汇报。


Various government figures have independently commented on the state of crypto regulations. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden 本周说 that he opposed harsh crypto regulations.

Meanwhile, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senate Banking Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown have 表达了担忧 that cryptocurrency could be used to evade Russian sanctions and questioned whether current regulations can prevent that problem.

SEC主席 加里·金斯勒, Treasury secretary 耶伦, senator 辛西娅·鲁米斯(Cynthia Lummis), and senator 温迪·罗杰斯(Wendy Rogers), have also commented on regulatory matters over the past several months.

披露:在撰写本文时,本文作者拥有 BTC、ETH 和其他加密货币。



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