随着新地址跃升 167%,卡尔达诺 ($ADA) 链上活动激增

源节点: 1611037

Activity on the Cardano ($ADA) network has exploded recently with the number of new daily addresses being created on the cryptocurrency’s network jumping 167% to 112,500 addresses seemingly out of the blue.

According to on-chain analyst Ali Martinez, who first pointed to the surge in on-chain activity referencing IntoTheBlock’s  Net Network growth metrics, a “sustained increase in this metric generally precedes a spike in price volatility for ADA.”

decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, which according to DeFiLlama data now have close to $130 million locked in them. SundaeSwap has been leading the pack, with close to 98% of the total value locked.

SundaeSwap is “a native, scalable decentralized exchange and automated liquidity provision protocol,” that is backed by cFund, an early-stage venture firm anchored by IOHK, Alameda Research, a quantitative crypto trading firm founded by FTX’s CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, and Double Peak Group, a family office focused on digital asset investments.

最快的 可用的去中心化金融(DeFi)应用程序 on Cardano was launched in January and is called MuesliSwap. It currently has a total value locked of over $2.5 million. Data shows that in January 大型 ADA 代币持有者的持股量增加了一倍以上 在加密货币中,利用价格下跌超过 30%。 数据显示,卡尔达诺地址持有量在 10,000 到 1 万 ADA 之间,其持有量增加了 113%,累计达到 53.6 万美元。

Cardano 开发者 Input Output 提出了 将网络的块大小增加 11% 随着 SundaeSwap 的推出,网络负载飙升至 72% 以上,从 80 KB 增加到 90 KB。

根据 CryptoCompare 的最新资产报告10.9 月份,卡尔达诺持有者数量增长 309,000%,达到 5.85 万,巡洋舰数量增长 3.19%,达到 4.53 万。上个月持有 ADA 的地址数量创下新高,达到 XNUMX 万个。

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特色图片来自 Unsplash


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