欧洲支付倡议寻求资金对抗 Visa 和万事达卡

源节点: 1562285


在 31 家欧元区主要银行以及收单机构 Worldline 和 Nets 的支持下,EPI 正在努力创建一个统一的泛欧支付系统,为全欧洲的消费者和商家提供银行卡、数字钱包和 P2P 支付。

该联盟预计将于 2022 年进入运营阶段,去年 XNUMX 月在布鲁塞尔成立了 EPI 临时公司,旨在制定明确的可交付成果,包括完成技术和运营路线图。

Speaking at an event hosted by the European Payments Institutions Federation, EPI chief executive Martina Weimart said “Public funding would be nice…Let’s not hide it – it’s going to be a massive investment. It’s expensive.”

Weimart told Reuters that retailers are not willing to fund the new initiative, and that banks and other EPI shareholders “can carry only so much”.

资料来源:https://www.finextra.com/newsarticle/39234/european- payments-initiative-seeks-funding-to-take-on-visa-and-mastercard?utm_medium=rssfinextra&utm_source=finextrafeed


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