金融科技公司如何解决社会问题以触及无银行账户的社区(Yahya Mohamed Mao)

源节点: 1876772

While today’s world is becoming increasingly cashless, it is hard to imagine living without a bank account. Banking is considered a safe and stable way to manage its finances. Alternative financial services are interpreted as exploitative and risky. As policymakers continue to emphasize the role of financial institutions in the poverty reduction, it is important to ask why people are shunning banks in favor of riskier, less convenient alternatives. One problem is that the banking system was not designed for low- and middle-class households. Charges are levied to combat overdraft fees, debit card fees, ATM withdrawal fees, transfer fees and other charges. These fees, which occur in every corner of the banking system, are a significant burden and barrier to entry for low- and middle-income people. To make matters worse, these fees are hard to avoid.

传统银行的游戏结束了吗? |文档字节



创新是由专门提供增强金融服务以客户为中心的方面的前端驱动的. Fintech startups provide a concept of “unbundling” banks that offer only one type of product or service and focus on doing just that. Organisations such as the World Bank, the G20 and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are taking a broad range of initiatives to enable people to make a more effective use of financial services. At the same time, payment and telecommunications companies such as Visa, Mastercard and Vodafone are bringing new financial services and opportunities to developing countries.

杰勒·斯旺 (@JelleSwaan) |推特




资金不足的人无法充分利用包括银行在内的传统金融服务。另一方面,它指的是不使用传统金融服务或无法获得传统金融服务的成年人。这些人没有充分利用这些服务,通常甚至银行也没有,而是求助于发薪日贷款、支票兑现服务、预付借记卡等替代方案。根据 2017 年 FDIC 的一项调查,52% 的美国家庭没有一个银行账户说他们没有足够的钱来管理账户。 世界上有 20 亿成年人没有银行账户,但其中三分之二拥有手机!  A third of adult (1.7 billion people) are without a bank account and more than half of people without a bank account – including women, people in poor households and rural areas – are unemployed.

The Federal Reserve recently found that half of US adults are unable to cover $400 in emergency spending without borrowing – a alarming statistic and speaks to the economic uncertainty that is an everyday reality for many. These regional imbalances can be attributed to the greater need for basic financial services in the underdeveloped world.

In the United States, for example, there are 14 million people who have no bank account and 50 million who are underfunded. In some cases, people leave behind few data crumbs that can give clues as to who they are, why they are “bankrupt” or “undervalued,” or have no credit history. In other cases, consumers leave a trail, but this trail is not accessible to the companies and agencies that need it to verify the creditworthiness of a credit card, mobile phone plan, or home.







更多来自 Finextra研究