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最近对 eBay 广告的一项研究发现,数字品牌搜索广告的效果被高估了 4,100%。对 Facebook 广告的类似分析得出了 4,000% 的结果。

If those high figures make you wonder if you are wasting far too much of your company’s advertising dollars on targeting the wrong audience, Dr. Jorge Barraza, professor of applied psychology at the University of Southern California, can offer you some solace on doing precisely that.



Barraza’s work focuses on the neurophysiology of emotional states and decision-making and motivations of costly behavior. He argues that contextual alignment is integral to consumer engagement with new brands.

“We found that contextually aligned ads were 93 percent more memorable than misaligned ads…there is a clear benefit to aligning ads with congruent content, rather than simply placing ads where there are larger audiences,” he told CRM Buyer.


Much of what Barraza’s own research confirms is that two principles of traditional advertising do not work reliably well for the rising tide of digital advertising taking place today. In fact, his research puts a pin in the bubble inflated by typical ad sales folks. Two pins, maybe.

Those two bubbles form the basis of advertising jargon and sales rules known as “lift” and “conversion rate.” The explanations are simple. Marketing representatives sell ads with the premise that they will generate behavioral change in buyers called lift. Ad sellers gleefully point out how the sales number increase after customers viewed the display ads, a process called conversion rate.

Barraza last year participated in a specialized research project testing the effectiveness of contextual ads. That research was partnered with Channel Factory and USC’s Applied Consumer Psychology department to survey 354 respondents. The goal was to better understand brand awareness lift and attributes such as shareability, engagement, entertainment, credibility, and believability that contextual alignment creates.




Though not involved in any of the psychological underpinnings Barraza’s research unraveled, Callum Campbell, CEO of enterprise commerce automation company 林工厂,发现这些结果非常有意义。它与大流行引发的购物转变后需要轻松经济的概念相关。

这种转变使消费者对数字广告直接面向消费者的购物产生了更多需求。他告诉 CRM Buyer,它提供了另一个出口。

“So as more brands go direct-to-consumer, they need to sell on their own web store as well as on marketplaces. They also will need to be on social outlets. Brands will be going after customers for different types of experiences on those platforms,” he explained.


“The idea that different channels serve a different customer need and maybe the same customer in a different environment with a different type of posture towards a purchase,” is key to generating better digital ad spend.


Barraza’s area of expertise is the intersection of emotion neuroscience and decision making. Much of the work he has done has focused on consumer behavior.


“Advertisers are spending too much time targeting the wrong segment of the audience. We are targeting people who already are tuned into the product, and they (advertisers) need to change the approach on how they are marketing,” said Barraza.


“So, in either of those cases involving the elements of attention, memory, and emotion, when advertisers are retargeting in the digital space there has not been much attention to that,” Barraza added.


营销人员仍然使用的数字广告效果测试类型来自非数字知识经验。 Barraza 表示,它们通常涉及 A/B 测试,你只需扔掉内容,看看它们获得了多少点击。

“Well, if you are forming those kinds of advertisements and selecting the advertisements by the number of clicks they get, basically it is getting the clicks from the people who are already selecting those things,” he said.




Marketers should keep in mind certain key questions when they aim their digital ads for the right recipients. Oftentimes they should not target people that do not need to be targeted. Whenever you’re going after new audiences, there should be clear goals in mind.

Barraza 建议营销人员在定位您的数字广告时应重点关注以下事项:

  • 这些是新观众吗?
  • 这些人是不向您购买产品的人还是不认识您的人?
  • 您是否正在形成对您的品牌或产品的观点或态度,或者您是否正在改变印象?
  • 这群人真的不与你和品牌互动,因为他们没有把你放在首位吗?


“Getting people’s attention is difficult in this age, and really getting attention may be about resonating with the audience in a particular fashion,” he concluded.

杰克·M·杰曼 自2003年以来,他一直是ECT新闻网的记者。他主要关注的领域是企业IT,Linux和开源技术。 他是Linux发行版和其他开源软件的著名评论家。 此外,杰克还广泛涉及商业技术和隐私问题,以及电子商务和消费电子产品的发展。 电子邮件杰克。



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