
源节点: 1285820

For any professional, completing a task on their own can feel infinitely faster than directing someone else how to get it done. No-code and low-code IoT platforms put the ability to build applications into the hands of the users who know what they need but don’t have the coding background to make an entire application.


如果用户使用 无代码 application builder, the builder constructs the underlying technical IT infrastructure that the application must interface with. The platform user must write the business logic, such as “how many returns did the company get in July?”

随着 低码 在应用程序构建器中,用户可以编写基本的业务逻辑。然而,他们仍然必须与 IT 部门合作,将应用程序与现有的 IT 硬件和软件基础设施集成。

对更简化的开发能力的需求不断增长,至少部分是由于 COVID-19 大流行。根据 Gartner 的报告 预测研究人员预测,13.8 年低代码开发市场总额将达到 2021 亿美元,比 22.6 年增长 2020%。

Low-code projections
到 2025 年低代码开发工具预测


无论公司使用无代码还是低代码应用程序生成器,在应用程序开发过程中自动化代码的目的都是为了减少开发应用程序并将其投入生产所需的时间。希望物联网用户不必依赖 IT 来制作应用程序并在 IT 积压中等待。

Automatic code generators create their code in a highly generic manner. In other words, auto-generated code will work with the general hardware and software environment defined for it. Still, it won’t be a custom fit to an enterprise’s configured hardware and software environment. Automated code generators are apt to generate more code than is needed. The excess code and instructions consume more storage and processing, and this lack of efficiency can cause longer application runtimes.



组织使用无代码和低代码物联网平台来解决更快地将应用程序投入生产的业务问题。瓶颈在于 IT 及其项目积压。用户可以使用无代码甚至低代码生成器自行部署物联网应用程序,但存在几个挑战:

  • 物联网需要快速的运行时间。 无代码和低代码工具往往会产生过多的代码开销,这可能会降低物联网性能。通常,物联网需要快速的应用程序吞吐量,因此物联网的无代码或低代码应用程序可能会太慢。
  • 物联网是多种多样的。 No-code or low-code platforms may create programming that is too generic to address the plurality and unpredictability of IoT devices. In such a dynamic environment, application developers will likely need IT admins’ integration help.
  • 开箱即用的物联网安全性本质上很弱。 Many IoT devices come into an enterprise with weak default security settings that don’t meet the minimum security standards. Consequently, IT must assign these devices to the required security settings. Since every IoT device is unique, 为物联网建立强大的安全保障 设备级别仍然主要是手动任务。
  • 物联网是基础设施。 无代码和低代码生成器将程序编写从 IT 基础设施的细节中抽象出来,以便程序员只需编写他们希望应用程序执行的业务规则。然而,物联网本质上 is

Organizations can deploy IoT centrally but often deploy at enterprise edges, such as remote plants, field offices, distant utility towers, highways, trucks and cars, or handheld devices in warehouses. Extensive knowledge of IT networks, systems, software, hardware and security are needed to connect all these devices to each other and to the applications and systems that run them. A highly generic solution, such as low-code or no-code, can’t address these intricacies of IT infrastructure easily. Instead, it takes IT expertise to integrate IoT devices, systems and databases, enabling all assets to coexist in an end-to-end secure environment.

No-code development


在最顶层,物联网使用仪表板和简单的报告。无代码和低代码工具非常适合快速开发具有向下钻取功能的仪表板和摘要报告。这些是用户想要监控物联网性能的报告。 IoT 用户可以使用无代码或低代码平台自行创建这些顶级报告和仪表板,然后在 IT 的帮助下将它们合并到 IoT 工作流程中。

物联网基础设施 平台可以更轻松地促进 无代码和低代码应用程序。许多低代码软件提供商提供与主要物联网平台的轻松集成,包括 IBM Watson、Microsoft Azure 和 AWS。提供商通常还提供专门设计用于与其物联网平台有效集成的低代码产品。如果用户保持在特定平台和工具的范围内,他们就有更好的机会开发成功的低代码物联网应用程序。

无代码和低代码应用程序生成器可以避免失败。如果用户为物联网使用无代码和低代码生成器,IT 甚至代码生成器供应商本身可以帮助防止用户无意中创建物联网错误或漏洞。例如,IT 可以禁用低代码和无代码生成器中的某些功能,使用户能够设置自己的安全性。通过禁用可能违反公司治理标准或造成其他类型错误的低代码和无代码功能,组织可以避免没有 IT 经验的用户可能无意中造成的许多问题。



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