《盗贼之海》第 2 季增加了利润丰厚的新堡垒活动、狡猾的木桶伪装表情等

源节点: 809159

《盗贼之海》在彻底洗刷了第一季的残余后,现在开始了下一次冒险,第 2 季引入了利润丰厚的 Forts of Fortune 世界事件、Emissary 改进、新的贸易路线系统等等。

The flagship addition this season – if only because it takes the form of a bloody enormous red skull cloud that’s not exactly easy to miss – is the new Forts of Fortune world event. Quite whether or not it’ll be enough of a change from the existing skeleton forts to justify a third re-skin of the long-running feature remains to be seen, but Rare is promising tougher waves of enemies, including Skeleton Lords, and a final “even fiercer” foe. The pay-off for all this is increased rewards, including items to boost Athena’s Fortune reputation.

在其他地方,商人联盟和使者获得了额外的调整,后者获得了新的贸易路线机制。 在这里,玩家可以从前哨站购买商品箱并查看附近的商人库存,该库存提供了一个不断变化的低价出售和高价购买目的地列表,供那些希望赚取额外金币的人使用。



Reading between the lines, Season 2 appears to be aiming to give Sea of Thieves’ PvP a kick up the bum, which might not enamour it to those favouring more leisurely PvE adventuring. Skeletons Forts are now the most frequent form of world event, there’s an exceptionally sneaky (and PvP-friendly) new disguise-yourself-as-a-barrel emote as part of the free progression track, and crews can now use gold to purchase Cannonball, Fruit and Wood Crates from outposts – which, on paper, sounds like it might horribly advantage long-term players with lots of savings, despite purchases being limited to once every three in-game days. Time will tell!

That’s not quite it for PvP stuff either; Season 2’s first limited-time event is Reapers Vs. the World, running rom 22nd April to 22nd June. Here Reaper’s Bones players will be encouraged to ride out and take on Emissary representatives from a specific, constantly rotating Trading Company, with various rewards unlocking for those that complete specific activities on both sides – as detailed on Seas of Thieves’ Event Hub.

当然,所有这一切都伴随着上述免费的 100 级玩家进步和相关奖励(加上作为付费 Plunder Pass 的一部分的另一种高级奖励选择),以及 定期更新高级海盗商场.

Sea of Thieves’ second season is now underway on PC and Xbox and 完整的补丁说明可用 对于那些希望了解更多的人。



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