
源节点: 975190


百事公司 (PEP) – 这家零食和饮料巨头在营收和利润超出预期并上调全年预测后,在盘前交易中上涨 1.3%。得益于北美饮料销量的增长,百事公司本季度调整后每股收益为 1.72 美元,比预期高出 19 美分。

摩根大通 (摩根大通) – 该银行报告第二季度每股盈利 3.78 美元,超出市场普遍预期 3.21 美元,收入也高于华尔街预测。投资银行费用的增加提振了业绩,但该股在盘前下跌了 1.3%。

波音 (BA) – Boeing shares fell 2.2% in the premarket, after saying it would cut the production rate for its 787 Dreamliner to deal with a new production-related issue. It now expects to deliver fewer than half of the roughly 100 787s in inventory this year, instead of the “vast majority” it had previously predicted.

高盛 (GS) – Goldman reported a second-quarter profit of $15.02 per share, beating the $10.24 consensus estimate, while revenue also exceeded Wall Street forecasts. Goldman’s bottom line was helped by a surge in global deal fees.

Conagra品牌 (CAG) – 这家食品生产商比预期高出 2 美分,调整后的季度收益为每股 54 美分,收入也超过了分析师的预测。由于通胀影响,康尼格拉确实下调了2022财年全年预期,盘前股价下跌3.7%。

诺基亚 (挪威克朗)——诺基亚表示,将于 29 月 8.4 日报告第二季度业绩时宣布改善今年的前景。这家电信设备制造商表示本季度业务有所回升。盘前交易中股价飙升 XNUMX%。

汉佰 (HBI) – The stock jumped 3.2% in the premarket after Wells Fargo upgraded the apparel producer to “overweight” from “equal weight”. Wells Fargo said it was impressed by the company’s new leadership team and the overall direction of the business.

沃尔特·迪斯尼 (DIS) – 迪士尼正在提高其 ESPN+ 体育流媒体平台的订阅价格。包月价格上涨 1 美元,达到 6.99 美元,包年套餐价格上涨 10 美元,达到 69.99 美元。

强生公司 (JNJ) – The FDA is adding a warning label to Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine, to warn of a very small incidence of the rare neurological disorder known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. Johnson & Johnson fell 1% in the premarket.

生物遗传 (BIIB) – The U.S. government has begun the review process that will determine if Medicare will cover the cost of Biogen’s newly approved Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm. A final decision is expected within 9 months.

麦当劳 (MCD) – McDonald’s is backing franchisee efforts to attract more workers, making a multimillion investment in perks such as higher pay, more paid time off, college tuition aid and emergency child care.



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