
Solve.Care 加入政府区块链协会


美国弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯 – 6 年 2021 月 XNUMX 日 Solve.Care,利用区块链改变我们提供和管理患者护理方式的医疗技术平台公司,现在是 政府区块链协会 (GBA). The GBA is a non-profit independent association aimed at promoting blockchain technology by empowering individuals and organizations to connect, communicate, and collaborate to solve public sector challenges around the world.

In line with GBA’s mission to connect people and organizations with blockchain technology-based solutions, Solve.Care delivers a patient-centric healthcare model, utilizing blockchain technology to address inefficiencies in the healthcare industry and improve access to quality care for everyone. As a member of the GBA, Solve.Care is now part of the largest blockchain association in the world and will work together with a global network of experts, which include government agencies, researchers, and academia, to help promote the adoption of blockchain technology especially for the healthcare sector. The GBA has over 6,000 registered individual and organizational members in 120 cities around the world. The GBA also hosts local meetups of over 40,000 people globally.

Solve.Care 首席执行官 Pradeep Goel 表示:“区块链技术为我们今天面临的许多问题提供了真正的解决方案。 从医疗保健到教育,从经济到公共福祉,区块链技术将在许多不同的行业发生变革。 通过加入政府区块链协会,我们打算贡献 Solve.Care 的专业知识,为更广泛的全球受众提供更平等和有效的护理。 我们期待与专业的专家团队合作,利用大湾区提供的价值来推广我们所相信的技术,并为协会的目标和行动做出贡献。”

通过其会员资格,Solve.Care 将帮助建立和推广医疗保健行业最佳实践,使区块链技术相关解决方案被美国和世界其他地区的政府机构采用,以造福整个社会。 此外,公司将有机会提供和参与教育、培训和认证,例如 GBA区块链咨询认证.

GBA 创始人兼执行董事 Gerard Dache 表示:“我们的成员都热衷于在全球范围内推广区块链技术,将其视为一股向善的力量,是解决全球政府面临的许多问题的方法。 我们很高兴欢迎 Solve.Care,一家在医疗保健和创新方面处于领先地位的公司,在提供有效的区块链解决方案方面有着良好的记录,有助于推动医疗保健和患者交付的数字化转型。”


政府区块链协会 (GBA) 是一个国际非营利性专业协会,其总部位于弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯。 GBA 将其成员视为有兴趣向政府推广区块链技术解决方案但不主张任何具体政策立场的个人和组织。 政府雇员以及学生组织、私营部门专业人士和公司都可以成为会员。 政府雇员免收会员费。

GBA 在技术人员、公共政策制定者、应用专家以及想要了解新兴数字货币的人员之间培养专业的工作流程。 此外,大湾区在围绕区块链技术的创造性、盈利性和积极利用开展公共对话方面起到了催化剂的作用。


Solve.Care is a global healthcare company that redefines care coordination, improves access to care, reduces benefit administration costs, and helps reduce fraud and waste in healthcare around the world. The Solve.Care platform creates ecosystems called Care Networks for patient-centric care based on medical conditions, economic and social needs, and other tailored eligibility criteria. It is also the first company in the world to successfully deploy digital currency and blockchain technology for value-based healthcare payments. It is a multiple award-winning company, receiving accolades such as: ‘Most Innovative Blockchain Project Award’ at the Blockchain Life 2019 Forum, ‘Top Innovative Blockchain Solution’ and ‘Top Outstanding Project’ at the 2019 World Blockchain Awards, BRI’s ‘Industry Solution of the Year 2020’, SSOW Impact Awards’ ‘Technology of the Year 2020’, and many more. For more information, please visit https://solve.care/.






Gerard Dache,执行董事


资料来源:柏拉图数据智能公司。 PlatoBlockchain.com