Renalytix chooses EVERSANA for KidneyIntelX commercialisation

Renalytix chooses EVERSANA for KidneyIntelX commercialisation

Source Node: 2108632



Renalytix has chosen EVERSANA to extend the commercial reach of the prognostic device, KidneyIntelX, for individuals with diabetic kidney disease.

KidneyIntelX is used for the prognosis detection of early-stage kidney disease in type 2 diabetes patients.

It utilises dependable bioprognostic methodology to generate a custom and simple-to-understand risk score that helps healthcare professionals in predicting the various stages of chronic kidney disease in adult type 2 diabetes patients.

Two clinical utility studies have demonstrated that KidneyIntelX helps clinicians gain a better understanding of patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. The system assists in predicting the low, intermediate or high-risk levels for kidney disease progression and kidney failure.

Renalytix CEO James McCullough said: “The majority of people with type 2 diabetes over the age of 65 have chronic kidney disease.

“EVERSANA will help us bring the benefits of KidneyIntelX early prognosis quickly to large populations at greatest risk to help prevent the unnecessary suffering and unsustainable cost of kidney failure and dialysis.”

EVERSANA, along with Renalytix, will later this summer introduce its field deployment and training solutions to primary care providers in key areas of the US.

Complemented by Renalytix’s ongoing sales initiatives, the deployments will accelerate the adoption of KidneyIntelX in key markets such as New York and Illinois, where there is a high incidence of diabetic kidney disease and individuals have insurance coverage is available for patients living with these conditions.

EVERSANA CEO Jim Lang said: “What Renalytix has created has the potential to impact millions of lives through early-stage preventative care, which will not only make a huge impact on the global healthcare system but most importantly, improve the lives of patients. We could not be more excited to provide our services to support successful commercialisation.”

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