Solana, BlackRock, Bonk et Uniswap remportent les premiers honneurs lors des premiers prix cryptographiques de CoinMarketCap

Solana, BlackRock, Bonk et Uniswap remportent les premiers honneurs lors des premiers prix cryptographiques de CoinMarketCap

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Solana has emerged as the inaugural winner of CoinMarketCap’s CMC Crypto of the Year award, according to a Mar. 6 statement shared with CryptoSlate.

Le prix CMC est conçu pour célébrer l’excellence dans le domaine de la cryptographie dans huit catégories, récompensant des projets et des individus exceptionnels. Il a été décerné après une évaluation méticuleuse de dix jours comprenant un vote en ligne, une analyse des données et des avis d'experts.

Crypto de l'année

The award, which recognizes groundbreaking innovation and the enduring impact of a blockchain network on the industry, had nominees like RippleMaillon de chaîneEthereumet une toncoin.

However, Solana triumphed over these strong contenders for showing resilience in overcoming various challenges, including pannes de réseau and the past relationship with the disgraced founder of defunct exchange FTX, Sam Bankman Fried.

Additionally, the blockchain network scored pivotal partnerships from various traditional finance projects like Visa and has experienced notable adoption during the past year,

These developments prompted asset management firm VanEck to predict that SOL will become one of the top three blockchain networks by market cap, total value locked (TVL), and active users by the end of this year.

Autres gagnants:

Constructeur de ponts de l'année: BlackRock, the largest asset management firm in the world, claimed this title for its leading role in the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs in the US. Other competitors in this field included PayPal, Reddit, Starbucks, and Nike.

Memecoin de l'année: BONK was given this accolade due to its impact significatif on the Memecoin sector. During the past year, BONJOUR rose more than 5000% in value and played an essential rôle de l' in growing Solana’s ecosystem.

Influenceur social à surveiller: Onchain crypto sleuth Zach XBT reçu reconnaissance for his adeptness in uncovering scams and fraudulent activities within the crypto industry.

Projet L1/L2/Cross-Chain le plus innovant: Celestia topped this category due to its advancements in scalability, security, and interoperability among networks. Celestia is the first modular blockchain network, which aims to simplify blockchain deployment and enhance scalability.

Projet NFT et de jeu le plus innovant : Pingouins grassouillets took the spotlight as the NFT project demonstrating the most innovation in the NFT and gaming space.

Projet DeFi le plus innovant: Uniswap clinched this award, highlighting its groundbreaking contributions to the DeFi ecosystem. Recently, the DEX introduced a new proposition de gouvernance that redirects the protocol fees to UNI token holders to incentivize engagement within its community.

Leader crypto de l’année: A remarkable tie occurred in this category, with Vitalik Buterin, Changpeng Zhao, Julia Leung, Brian Armstronget une Ryan Selkis all sharing the award for their contributions to the industry.

Rush Luton, PDG de CoinMarketCap, a déclaré :

« Les cinq candidats ont énormément contribué au cours des 12 derniers mois, mais de manière très différente, et nous voulions reconnaître tous leurs efforts considérables pour faire avancer l'industrie. »

Les gagnants des CMC Awards ont reçu des NFT basés sur Ethereum en guise de reconnaissance.


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