11. kérdés a tulajdonjogi záróvizsgámról.

Forrás csomópont: 881097

Q 11: (16 points) By the year 2050, Dean Lidsky has retired and is now spending her time as an inventor. She has created a set of self-replicating crawling “bugs.” To be clear, these are small autonomous robots that do the following: (1) individually move about the world scavenging for parts; (2) once enough parts are collected, a bug will build a replica of itself. The bugs have not been shown to be generally dangerous and have learned to largely avoid human contact.

Mitchell has a “feeder” setup in his back yard with all sorts of spare-parts that the bugs have been using for self-replication. Mitchel included a radio-isotope in the spare parts he set-out and so can prove that 90%+ of the bugs in his area were built from his spare parts. Mitchell’s neighbor Trachtenberg has been capturing bugs to study them.

Who owns the bugs that Trachtenberg has captured?

= = =

I’d love to hear your thoughts:

Source: https://patentlyo.com/patent/2021/05/question-property-final.html


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