Perusahaan Tertaut Kripto di Shenzhen Target Terbaru Bank Sentral China

Node Sumber: 1033305

Bank sentral China menyerang lagi, kali ini menargetkan perusahaan yang terkait dengan kripto di tenggara kota Shenzhen.


The Shenzhen branch of the Chinese central bank called for nearly a dozen businesses to ‘rectify’ illegal activities related to cryptocurrencies. The move points towards a continuation of the intense crackdown on outside digital assets

Langkah ini sejalan dengan proyek baru yang dimulai oleh People's Bank of China (PBOC) cabang Shenzhen. Disebut 'proyek perbaikan', tujuannya adalah untuk menargetkan perdagangan mata uang digital ilegal. Sejauh ini proyek "membersihkan" 11 perusahaan yang dikatakan telah terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut, menurut Shanghai Securities News. Perusahaan-perusahaan itu tetap tidak disebutkan namanya. 


Over this last year, the Chinese government launched a new campaign against cryptocurrencies. The targets include miners, crypto banking services, and trading platforms. Once the crackdowns came into place, the price of bitcoin tumbled. 

Sementara penambang ditargetkan dan pertukaran crypto dan ICO dilarang, individu masih memiliki hak untuk memegang cryptocurrency. 

China melanjutkan tindakan keras kripto

China’s regulations of the crypto industry are some of the most stringent across the globe. Despite news of stricter regulations coming out of countries such as the U.S., it has yet to banish miners and suppliers out of the country, as is the case in China. 

Last month, the global blockchain group IBC officially closed up its BTC and ETH mining facilities in China. Following that development, the major Chinese crypto exchange Huobi mengumumkan penutupan of its Beijing branch due to the crackdown. 

Banyak industri analis percaya that the crypto crackdown by the Chinese government is a trillion-dollar geopolitical mistake. 

On the other hand, China’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), the digital yuan is making headway throughout the country. Nationwide trials of its digital currency are already sedang berlangsung, with one of the latest taking place in the Hainan province. 

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