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4x LED Arcade rev B (ATtiny8x7 version)

Source Node: 1395930


OK so this design is back from April but it used the SAMD09 chipset (which is super unavailable) so we had to redesign it for the ATtiny817 which is somewhat available. So here is rev B, same deal but re-spun.

This seesaw board makes it easy to add four arcade buttons with four LEDs using JST XH quick connects, for a no-solder experience. There are four pairs of vertical XH connectors, one for the LED and one for the switch!

This was a little tougher than expected because we realized halfway through that some of our arcade buttons need 5V to light up the internal LEDs. So there’s a switch cap booster to give 5V from 3.3V, then N FETs to drive the LEDs on PWM-capable pins of the seesaw chip. whew!

Coming soon …

Source: https://blog.adafruit.com/2021/11/04/4x-led-arcade-rev-b-attiny8x7-version/

Time Stamp:

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