5 Solar Energy Facts That Will Make You Want to Move to Solar Power

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Solar energy is the energy generated using Sun’s light (photovoltaic energy) and sun’s heat (solar thermal energy) to generate electricity. Solar energy is inexhaustible and renewable, and it is harnessed using panels and reflectors.

Photovoltaic solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, by which certain materials can absorb photons (light particles) and liberate electrons, generating an electric current.

Now that you have understood how solar energy is generated let’s look at some of the reasons you should switch to solar power.

  1. Solar Energy Is Beneficial to the environment

The most well-known truth about solar energy is that it is a clean, environmentally friendly source of electricity. Solar energy is a fantastic method to cut down on your carbon footprint. Solar power does not pollute the environment in any way. Solar power does not emit greenhouse gases, and it requires no additional resources except clean water to operate. As a result, it is both safe and environmentally friendly. 

Solar energy is self-sufficient and putting solar panels on your roof is a simple and safe way to help contribute to a more sustainable future.

  1. Solar Energy Allows You to Go Off the Grid In Your Home

The drop in the cost of solar panels is an excellent reason to use solar energy more frequently. Coal and natural gas are used substantially in traditional energy generation. Unfortunately, they are not only harmful to the environment, but they are also scarce resources. As a result, the market is volatile, with energy costs fluctuating throughout the day. Solar power increases your energy independence.

  1. Solar Energy Results in Fewer Power Outages

Electricity must be transferred across long distances from large power facilities to end-users. Transmissions across long distances result in power losses. Have you ever wondered what solar panels are used for? They’re on your roof to harness the sun’s energy. Given the short distance, rooftop solar power can help increase electricity efficiency. Your electricity generation becomes domestic, and you are in charge of your bills and energy usage as a result. Furthermore, solar power systems are long-lasting, reducing the likelihood of service disruption.

  1. Solar Power Plants Can Endure Up to 40 Years

When a solar power plant is constructed, it is usually backed by a 20- to 25-year power purchase agreement with a customer (business or homeowner). However, this does not imply that such plants will be useless in two decades. Moreover, solar panels will not only endure 40 or 50 years, but the infrastructure surrounding a solar power plant is also quite valuable. Solar panels might be replaced with new, more efficient modules at a cheap cost to improve performance. Still, a solar power plant has an effective lifespan once a site is identified, and the infrastructure is created.

  1. Maintenance-Free

Solar panels require very minimal upkeep once they are installed. They are typically installed at an angle to allow rainwater to run off, cleaning dirt and dust away freely. As a result, solar panels can last for more than 25 years with little or no loss of efficiency if they are not obstructed by harsh weather or other elements.

Solar panels are an excellent investment for your home in general. According to current energy market trends, a home with solar panels could command a greater price in the future than one without if appropriately marketed, focusing on fuel savings and tariff payments. You should invest in Solar products from reputed brands like Luminous.

Visit their website to explore more about how to make your solar kit for your home.

Source: https://usgreentechnology.com/5-solar-energy-facts-that-will-make-you-want-to-move-to-solar-power/

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