8 Reasons why you should plant trees for your employees

8 Reasons why you should plant trees for your employees

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Trees are our greatest ally in the fight to combat climate damage and preserve biodiversity around the world.

Not only do trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but they also play a critical role in the world’s ecosystems that make it possible for all life, including us, to exist.

8 Reasons why you should plant trees for your employees

Every year we cut down around 15 billion trees around the globe, which is a disaster for biodiversity, as well as our prospects of keeping our planet habitable for future generations. 

More and more companies recognise the importance of adopting environmentally sustainable business practices, and one of the best ways to do this is to plant trees.

There are many reasons why planting trees for your employees is a great idea, not only for your business but for your employees and the planet too.

Here are 8 reasons why you should plant trees for your employees. Read our blog on why we need to plant more trees.

1. It makes people want to work for you

As much as businesses can choose who works for them, employees also have a choice when it comes to who they work for. We, as individuals, are more mindful of the impact we have on the planet, and this extends to who we work for.

Would you like to plant a specific number of trees? Send a message to us now to get it done!

A recent report revealed that over 60% of workers said they would be more likely to work for a company that had clear environmental policies.

People want to work for a sustainable business that takes part in nature-based solutions like tree planting because it shows the company is aware of environmental issues and the need to get involved with reforestation.

2. It Makes Your Employees Feel Good

At work, people thrive when they feel their contribution is valued. Part of this is creating a sense of ownership amongst employees.

Giving employees the chance to plant trees allows them to present not only themselves but also the company in an environmentally sustainable way. It boosts morale and strengthens the concept of teamwork.

Planting and caring for trees have numerous benefits to mental health, and in a workplace, it allows employees to feel part of something while giving them the space to enjoy nature. ³

8 Reasons why you should plant trees for your employees

3. It’s a great way to reward your employees

Instead of celebrating an employee’s achievements with a tacky company mug; you could plant a tree in their honour.

There are many projects that allow you to plant trees on behalf of your employees. Planting trees on behalf of your workforce is a unique way of rewarding your employees.

Planting a tree is also a great way to welcome new employees not only will it make them feel special and welcomed, but it will also show straight away that you’re a sustainable business that cares about the environment. This kind of activity will do wonders for employee retention too. 

4. It makes your employees want to stay

Employees who have an emotional investment in their workplace are more likely to stay, and employee engagement is key for employee retention.

A business that focuses on good employee engagement is more likely to have a workforce that cares about their jobs and the company they work for.

Most of us are concerned about the state of our forests and the damage caused by deforestation.

When you plant trees as part of an employee engagement activity, it shows that you and your business share the concerns of your workforce and are taking decisive action to make a difference. ⁵

8 Reasons why you should plant trees for your employees

5. It creates awareness of your good work

It may seem like you’re showing off, but letting your employees, stakeholders, and the public know about your involvement in nature-based solutions, like reforestation, will bring more attention to the good work you’re doing to 

  • Mitigate climate damage
  • Make nature flourish and prosper
  • Make nature do well
  • Have more trees in the world!

From an investor’s point of view, having a sound sustainability strategy makes your business a more attractive prospect. For your customers, it shows your share of their desire to act against climate damage.

By using tree planting to reward your employees, you publicly show your commitment to improving biodiversity and the environment. You may even encourage other businesses to do the same!  Discover the impact of reforestation on biodiversity in our blog

6. It shows you’re serious about mitigating climate damage

People aren’t interested in empty words when it comes to tackling climate damage they want to see action.

As governments and corporations around the world make pledges to reduce their carbon footprints, the world is watching to see if these pledges translate into real action.

Find out about forest carbon opportunities for your land

But if these promises are not kept, organizations risk being accused of greenwashing. Natural-based solutions like reforestation are great examples of the action business can take to bring about tangible change.

By aligning your business with tree-planting schemes, you’re showing your employees that sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for you, and you’re serious about mitigating climate damage.

7. It Helps You Fulfil Your CSR Objectives 

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the practice whereby companies fulfil their responsibilities to society by not damaging the climate or biodiversity but instead taking steps to preserve them through nature-based solutions like reforestation.

Fulfilling your CSR objectives by planting trees can improve your company’s public image and boost employee morale. ⁷

8. Planting trees is a good thing to do

We’ve seen how planting trees for your employees comes with a whole host of benefits, but the bottom line is, planting trees is a great thing to do, regardless of whether it’s for your employees or not.

Trees remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere and store them, thus slowing the rate of climate damage. They remove harmful airborne particles and pollutants by absorbing them, giving us clean air.

Trees also provide homes for ecosystems and ensure biodiversity, which is essential for all life on Earth. Find out more about the impact trees have on the world in our blog

Find out more about our reforestation projects and how you can get involved here: www.green.earth/develop-your-land/nature-conservation-projects

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