Aragon Launches Decentralized Voting Platform for Traditional Organizations

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Aragon’s newly launched Vocdoni platform is now available to traditional companies for making decentralized organizational decisions.

DAO platform Aragon announced on May 25 that it has launched a decentralized voting platform for traditional organizations. Called Vocdoni, the platform can be used to support day-to-day organizational governance.

Aragon says that Vocdoni brings “an unparalleled layer of security, trust, and efficiency,” as is the case with decentralized solutions. It foresees applications in organizations, co-ops, trade unions, and city councils. The voting platform will be deployed at a non-binding consultation in June, organized by the City Council of Bellpuig.

The platform has been in closed beta for sometime, with annual general meetings (AGMs), election pilots, and surveys with an aggregate census of more than 250,000 people already having been conducted. Aragon officials revealed details on the platform on a community call, on May 5.

Luis Cuende, a co-Founder of Aragon, said that the platform was a step forward in the plan to remove the drawbacks of centralization:

“Aragon has expanded its scope to offer decentralized governance solutions to traditional organizations. With marked successes in collaboration with the Fundació i2cat (research center related to the Catalan government), and garnering recognition from the Generalitat de Catalunya as a successful blockchain use case, we continue building towards our mission to liberate humanity from centralized points of failure.”

Aragon is a project that has existed for many years, and is known for having received investment from Tim Draper. The platform allows communities to create their own DAO, with on-chain voting, finance management. Over 1,700 DAOs have already been created.

Will decentralized voting become common in the future?

Voting is one of the key use cases for blockchain technology, as the votes themselves are tamper-proof and can involve anyone in the community. Blockchain-based voting is something that is being considered by governments, though nothing substantial has materialized so far.

Aragon focuses primarily on voting solutions for companies and small communities. However, the success of Aragon highlights how blockchain-based voting can be used to make decisions on a grand scale. There are already several advantages to such a system of voting.

As more companies go remote and develop a more team-based approach to their organization structure, decentralized voting could play a key role in how they take their decision-making to the next level.


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Rahul Nambiampurath is an India-based Digital Marketer who got attracted to Bitcoin and the blockchain in 2014. Ever since, he’s been an active member of the community. He has a Masters degree in Finance.

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