Co-review: supporting equal recognition – Physics World

Co-review: supporting equal recognition – Physics World

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Join the audience for a live webinar at 12.30 p.m. BST on 27 September 2023 exploring the importance of co-reviewing, and how the system works at IOP Publishing

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Co–review webinarWith co-reviewing functionality implemented across all IOP Publishing owned journals in 2023, all researchers can now receive recognition for their peer review contributions. Senior and early career researchers are supported by the co-review initiative, encouraging collaborations and promoting equal accountability. In this webinar, Laura Feetham-Walker will provide insight into how co-reviewing can support the various career stages, and how it can be applied. We will also welcome Manuel Glöckler, who will discuss his experience co-reviewing as a PhD student.

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Laura Feetham-Walker is the reviewer engagement manager at IOP Publishing. She has over 13 years’ experience in scholarly publishing, working at The Lancet and BMJ before moving to IOP Publishing. Laura works on innovations that future-proof peer review, ensure that reviewers are recognised and rewarded for their work, and safeguard the integrity of the scientific record. These innovations include the launch of IOP Trusted Reviewer status, a comprehensive peer review training programme, and co-review, among others.

Manuel Glöckler is a PhD student at the University of Tuebingen, supervised by Prof. Jakob Macke. His research focuses on the topic of simulation-based inference. He is working on improving the robustness and uncertainty calibration for amortized inference. Manuel undertook co-review with Prof. Macke and Jan Boelts, from which he obtained IOP Trusted Reviewer certification.

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