We find ourselves in an extraordinary situation – one which is placing huge strain on communities across the UK. And yet despite this, people are pulling together with ideas for helping their community get through the Coronavirus crisis and bounce back on the other side. It’s humbling and wonderful to see.

At the same time we are seeing companies, foundations and local government step up – by offering urgent, flexible funding for local projects that make a difference. 

We know we have a role to play because Spacehive’s model is able to combine funds from across society to get grassroots projects funded fast.

And here’s what we’re doing to help:

  • We’re waiving our 5% fee for all projects created during the lockdown (please bear with us while we adapt our systems at speed – you may still see references to our fee on the site but we guarantee you won’t pay it)
  • We’re relaxing our criteria so you can raise money purely for running costs as well as tangible projects. 
  • For campaigns already live we’re offering an extension of up to 2 months to give people more breathing space. 
  • For companies, councils and foundations that want to set up urgent, flexible funds to help communities cope with the crisis we’re waiving our fee for the specialist technology we provide.

This is just the beginning.  We will take a collaborative approach to responding to this situation, encouraging others to share their ideas for how we can pull together to make a difference. And we’ll be keeping you up to date as things develop. 

But we’re clear on one thing: we can get through this if we pull together. As a country we have the ideas, resources and community spirit to make things better both during the lockdown and afterwards, when the spaces that bring us together will be more important than ever.

Thank you and stay safe.

Chris Gourlay

Founder & CEO, Spacehive