Digital Freight and Digital Natives

Digital Freight and Digital Natives

Source Node: 1988041

The Does Logistics Matter? Podcast is all about trends and innovations in supply chain and logistics. This episode features Wiebe Helder, Founder and CEO of Cargobase.

Trends in Digital Freight and the Impact Digital Natives are Having on the Digital Revolution

When Wiebe started Cargobase almost ten years ago, the platform was initially focused on time-critical spot freight procurement, but along the way, it became clear that his customers were looking for a transportation management solution across all modalities. Cargobase evolved into the innovative transportation management solution it now is.

We spoke about the increasing digitalisation in the freight market and the increasing influence of younger generations on the logistics industry. Wiebe also touched on why and how companies need to become more flexible and respond faster when it comes to buying freight. At the end of the episode, he shares what additional innovations are coming up for the Cargobase Platform, and he shares his views on what the future of transportation management systems will look like.

Please enjoy my conversation with Wiebe Helder via the player below, or listen to the episode wherever you get your podcasts.

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This podcast episode is sponsored by Cargobase

Header Image by Aron Yigin on Unsplash

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