Effective Training for Warehouse Workers to Improve Productivity

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Training for warehouse workers should include more than just the necessary skills to operate particular machinery or implement a procedure. The curriculum should also be designed to inspire employees and help them understand that their efforts contribute and are necessary to the company’s success.

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This article will show what to include in your training for warehouse workers to keep your employees inspired and invigorated, benefiting themselves and your company as a whole.

Importance of Training for Warehouse Workers

Training for warehouse workers should be an opportunity to inspire your employees to be more committed to the company, which is possible as long as you offer them something more than just a pat on the back.

Training for Warehouse Workers - Importance

The reason behind this is to prevent a high turnover for a warehouse. It should come as no surprise that warehouse work can be repetitive, and when a task becomes repetitive, monotony could settle in. When employees start experiencing redundancy in their work area, it will be harder to convince them to stay, making the training for warehouse workers all the more necessary.

Your Training for Warehouse Workers Should Include These Five Tips

1. Show Your Employees There is Career Growth

Training for warehouse workers must include the bigger picture of their careers. Most employees want career growth, and sometimes monetary compensation is not enough for a person to consider staying in a company, especially if their daily routine seems monotonous. Most people would want to move on from doing entry-level work to mid-level or managerial.

Your training for warehouse workers must include a process that would help entry-level employees develop the necessary skills or traits that could qualify them for a higher position. Giving your employees a chance to grow will help them look forward to something and not be disillusioned by the idea of doing the same tasks for the rest of their lives.

2. Use Team Building to Build Relationships

Training for warehouse workers should also include team building because it fosters good relationships between employees and managers. It’s essential always to maintain good working relationships in your warehouse because these facilities depend heavily on labor. If you have a high turnover, this could severely hamper your operations. One of the most common reasons for employees leaving their jobs is because they do not get along with their fellow employees or managers.

Training for Warehouse Workers - Team Building

Training for warehouse workers through team building can help your employees build camaraderie with each other, and your managers could even find problem spots in some of your employees. Team building exercises are also designed to indicate which employees are good with following instructions.

One worthy example of training for warehouse workers that assesses the ability of employees and even managers to comply with company rules is the “Set-Up” Game. Here’s how it works:

    • Set aside a spot in the warehouse and place a mock workstation there.

    • Display items in the mock workstation or arrange something that would breach company rules, like a power tool not properly stashed or a checklist with several tick boxes empty.

    • Task your employees to either work together as teams or as individuals and have them spot as many breaches as they could find.

    • Reward the team with a higher score and use this as an opportunity to teach employees about company rules.

3. Teach Employees Ownership

Training for warehouse workers should also include teaching employees about ownership. Ownership means taking the initiative, and it could be helpful for a warehouse to have employees with this kind of trait.

Warehouse workers often stick to their tasks and rarely venture outside of it because it doesn’t necessarily lead to extra pay. However, taking the initiative in handling tasks beyond their purview could help the company be more productive. For this reason, managers should include training their warehouse workers for ownership to keep operations running without fail.

You could also use your training for warehouse workers to educate them about being proactive in preventing crises. Use this opportunity to teach them to immediately handle any situation that could lead to disruptions to your operations, such as failure to comply with safety precautions.  

4. Inspire Creativity

Also, include in your training for warehouse workers exercises that increase creativity because it can help reinvigorate their minds and make them more productive. A rigid and structured work area, like a storage facility, can lead to a monotonous routine. This can be draining for any person since humans aren’t designed to work like robots.

On the day of the training for warehouse workers, you can use the marshmallow challenge or the river crossing challenge to help them be more creative and resourceful. The marshmallow challenge requires players to build the tallest free-standing structure using only a limited number of sticks, and the marshmallow should be placed on top and not fall off. The river crossing challenge requires players to solve an imaginary puzzle wherein a boatman has to carry a fox, a chicken, and a bag of corn across a river. The player who comes up with the least amount of times the boatman crosses the river wins.

5. Empower Them to Make Decisions

Lastly, it is essential to include in your training for warehouse workers an opportunity to empower them into making decisions. Employees feel undervalued when they think they don’t have a say in anything that happens in their workplace. One of the primary reasons why some employees leave their jobs is because they do not feel their opinions matter.

Employees who are given a chance to make crucial decisions for the company are much more likely to stay loyal and be productive. By empowering them to make decisions, warehouse workers would feel more appreciated and more important. They believe their choices somehow steer the company in the right direction, which most employees want to feel.

Training for Warehouse Workers - Empowerment


Training for warehouse workers should be more than just teaching the appropriate skills for handling tasks within the facility. They need to be inspired and challenged if you wish to have loyal employees in your company. By using the tips discussed, your training for warehouse workers will be more than just a teaching module. Your training module will be an inspiring and enlightening experience that could help you and your employees be a tighter and more productive unit.

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Source: https://articles.cyzerg.com/training-for-warehouse-workers-to-improve-productivity

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