eMinor strikes a chord with investors: Former parent of ReverbNation raises $5.25M

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MORRISVILLE – eMinor, which sold off ReverbNation late last year as part of a pivot to new business, has struck a chord with investors.

In a new SEC filing, the Morrisville-based venture says it’s raised $5.25 million in equity.

Seven investors have signed on.

eMinor looks to raise another $250,000, according to the filing that was signed by Chief Financial Officer Christopher Smith.

CEO of eMinor Michael Doernberg says his post-ReverbNation company is focusing on a new software solution in the youth sports industry that the company has been building, fueled in part from the capital infusion from the recent ReverbNation deal.

Doernberg told WRAL TechWire in December that the business behind ReverbNation became profitable, with some 1,000 musicians each day joining the platform, and the company’s leadership team faced a decision due where ReverbNation sat in the business development cycle.

“We made these investments in music,” said Doernberg.  “And we became a very successful company.”

ReverbNation sale clears the field for new venture, line of business, for eMinor: Playmetrics

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