Google Gemini launches Gems, echoing ChatGPT’s GPTs

Google Gemini launches Gems, echoing ChatGPT’s GPTs

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Google is enhancing its Gemini AI with several new capabilities. One of the most notable additions is a feature named “Gems,” which empowers users to personalize the Gemini assistant. This option lets users craft custom versions of the assistant, each exhibiting distinct personalities.

What are Gems?

Gems enables users to create various chatbot iterations tailored to assist with specific tasks while maintaining distinct characteristics. This is reminiscent of Character.AI, a service where you can interact with virtual versions of well-known characters, celebrities, or even fictional therapists. Google touts that you can design Gemini to be anything from a gym companion to a sous-chef, a coding collaborator, a creative writing mentor, or any other role you can imagine. This concept is akin to OpenAI’s GPT Store, where users can create customized ChatGPT chatbots.

Google Gemini launches Gems, echoing ChatGPT's GPTs
This is the main conversation page of a Gem (Image: Google)

How to set up a Gem on Gemini?

To set up a Gem, you simply instruct Gemini on the tasks and the manner in which it should respond. For example, you might direct it to act as your running coach, providing a daily running schedule with an upbeat and motivating tone. With just one click, Gemini will generate a gem tailored to your specifications. The Gems feature will soon be available to subscribers of Gemini Advanced.

GPTs of Google

The introduction of Gems in Google’s Gemini AI essentially mirrors the functionality of GPTs on ChatGPT. Both features aim to provide users with customizable chatbot experiences tailored to specific needs and preferences. In essence, they allow users to create personalized AI assistants capable of performing various tasks while exhibiting unique characteristics.

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This trend highlights a broader focus among tech giants on advancing AI capabilities. Companies are competing to offer the most sophisticated and user-friendly AI tools. For instance, Apple is expected to unveil its own AI innovations at the upcoming WWDC, signaling its commitment to remaining at the forefront of AI development. Meanwhile, OpenAI has already showcased similar updates in its Spring Update, further demonstrating the industry’s collective push towards integrating AI into everyday applications.

Google Gemini launches Gems, echoing ChatGPT's GPTs
New Gem instructions page (Image: Google)

In this race for AI dominance, each tech giant is striving to enhance user experience by providing versatile and personalized AI solutions. The introduction of features like Gems and GPTs reflects this ongoing effort to make AI more accessible and adaptable to individual user needs.

Featured image credit: Google

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