LCO Split 1 2023: Chiefs sweep Wolfpack to book second PCS playoff seed

LCO Split 1 2023: Chiefs sweep Wolfpack to book second PCS playoff seed

Source Node: 2012942

It’s a Queensland double to wrap LCO Split 1’s main playoff stage, with Team Bliss and The Chiefs locking in their PCS playoff qualification on their road to MSI.

The reigning LCO champs in The Chiefs were not going to be stopped after their defeat to Bliss on Wednesday, bouncing back with malice to eliminate Dire Wolves 3-0 at the final hurdle.

While DW looked in it in the opening two matches, the third ended a blowout, with Chiefs finishing the game 24-3 ahead in kills.

The best-of-five was a rematch from the opening round of the playoffs, with The Chiefs making it look just as easy then.

“Second seed into PCS playoffs, we still have a lot to work on but we’ll try our best not to get speedrun astro turbo stimped by JunJia,” said Ryan “Aladoric” Richardson following the game.

“We’re also looking forward to the 23rd rematch against Bliss for the LCO grand final!”

In all, it wasn’t the cleanest splits for the Worlds 2022 representatives — but nevertheless, they’ll fly the flag at the PCS playoffs as both our LCO reps battle for London’s Mid-Season Invitational.

But to many, the surprise story of Split 1 is undoubtedly Team Bliss.

In their debut split, and facing true giants of Oceania — while many were hopeful, expectations for Team Bliss entering Split 1 weren’t sky high.

But they’ve taken up the challenge and passed with flying colours.

Bliss have taken the top LCO seed at the PCS playoffs following their 3-2 victory over The Chiefs in Wednesday evening’s best-of-five qualifier.

Team Bliss take top seed to the PCS playoffs later next week.
Photo: Team Bliss

Next to nothing could split the two Queensland-based sides, who have traded blows across the season.

But following Bliss’ win in Stage 2 to lock in top playoffs seed, the squad kept their momentum going, downing the 2022 Worlds representatives in a lengthy five-match series.

“The support for me as a player and streamer over the years means more than I could ever put into words,” said Team Bliss’ Raaz “Whynot” Alfassi Berman following the match.

“I’ve been gatekept by so many ‘top’ players throughout the years that this win is vindicating beyond belief.”

It’s a remarkable effort from Team Bliss in their first season in the LCO, but the job is far from done for both of the LCO representatives.

Team Bliss and The Chiefs must now take on the best of the PCS in order to qualify for the Mid-Season Invitational in London.

The PCS playoffs begin March 23 — but before MSI, the LCO will return at DreamHack Melbourne.

Amongst the action, the LCO announced today that North American squad TSM Challengers — featuring the likes of Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen and former Chiefs support Dragon “Dragku” Guo — will make an appearance at the festival for a showmatch.

Tickets for the one-day LCO showcase at DreamHack Melbourne are on sale here.

LCO Split 1 2023 Schedule & Results

Split 1 of LCO 2023 featured a brand new five week format. Stage One saw each team play a best-of-three against one another via round robin.

Based upon Stage One results, Stage two saw each team seeded into two groups, playing out a best-of-three double-elimination bracket. For the two emerging squads in each group, they moved to Stage Three — the other two, eliminated.

Stage Three will see one final double-elimination bracket, with the top two booking their tickets to the PCS playoffs, and potentially beyond to London’s Mid-Season Invitational.

LCO Split 1 2023 Standings, Schedule & Results

LCO Split 1 2023 Results — Playoffs Stage 3

Date Match Time (AEDT)
Monday, Mar 13 Playoffs Semi-Final 1 Dire Wolves 0-2 Chiefs 5pm
Playoffs Semi-Final 2 Pentanet 0-2 Bliss 8pm
Tuesday, Mar 14 Lower Bracket Semi-Final Dire Wolves 2-0 Pentanet 6pm
Wednesday, Mar 15 Upper Bracket – PCS Qualifier Chiefs 2-3 Bliss 6pm
Thursday, Mar 16 Lower Bracket – PCS Qualifier Dire Wolves 0-3 Chiefs 6pm

LCO Split 1 2023 Results — Stage 2 Week 1

Date Match Time (AEDT)
Monday, Feb 27 Group A Opening Dire Wolves W-FF Peace 5pm
Group B Opening Bliss 2-0 Kanga 6pm
Tuesday, Feb 28 Group A Opening Pentanet 2-0 Mammoth 5pm
Group B Opening Chiefs 2-1 Ground Zero 8pm
Wednesday, Mar 1 Group A Elimination Mammoth W-FF Peace 5pm
Group B Elimination Kanga 2-1 Ground Zero 6pm

LCO Split 1 2023 Results — Stage 2 Week 2

Date Match Time (AEDT)
Monday, Mar 6 Group A Upper Qualifier Dire Wolves 0-2 Pentanet 5pm
Group B Upper Qualifier Team Bliss 0-2 Chiefs 8pm
Tuesday, Mar 7 Group A Lower Qualifier Dire Wolves 2-0 Mammoth 5pm
Group B Lower Qualifier Team Bliss 2-0 Kanga 8pm
Wednesday, Mar 8 Group A S3 Seeding Pentanet 1-2 Dire Wolves 5pm
Group B S3 Seeding Chiefs 0-2 Team Bliss 6pm

LCO Split 1 2023 — Stage 1 Ladder

Ranking Team Record
1 Dire Wolves 6-1
2 Bliss 5-2
3 Pentanet.GG 5-2
4 The Chiefs 4-3
5 Ground Zero Gaming 3-4
6 Mammoth 2-5
7 Kanga Esports 2-5
8 Peace 1-6

LCO Split 1 2023 Results — Stage 1 Week 1

Date Match Time (AEDT)
Monday, Jan 23 Bliss 0-1 Chiefs 6pm
Pentanet 1-0 Ground Zero 7pm
Dire Wolves 1-0 Mammoth 8pm
Peace FF-W Kanga N/A
Tuesday, Jan 24 Pentanet 1-0 Kanga 6pm
Ground Zero 0-1 Chiefs 7pm
Bliss 0-1 Dire Wolves 8pm
Peace FF-W Mammoth N/A

LCO Split 1 2023 Results — Stage 1 Week 2

Date Match Time (AEDT)
Monday, Jan 30 Chiefs 0-1 Dire Wolves 6pm
Kanga 0-1 Bliss 7pm
Mammoth 0-1 Pentanet 8pm
Ground Zero W-FF Peace N/A
Tuesday, Jan 31 Ground Zero 0-1 Dire Wolves 6pm
Kanga 0-1 Mammoth 7pm
Chiefs 1-0 Pentanet 8pm
Peace FF-W Bliss N/A
Wednesday, Feb 1 Mammoth 0-1 Chiefs 6pm
Bliss 1-0 Ground Zero 7pm
Dire Wolves 1-0 Kanga 8pm
Pentanet W-FF Peace N/A

LCO Split 1 2023 Results — Stage 1 Week 3

Date Match Time (AEDT)
Monday, Feb 6 Mammoth 0-1 Bliss 6pm
Dire Wolves 0-1 Pentanet 7pm
Chiefs 0-1 Peace 8pm
Kanga 0-1 Ground Zero 9pm
Tuesday, Feb 7 Dire Wolves 1-0 Peace 6pm
Pentanet 0-1 Bliss 7pm
Mammoth 0-1 Ground Zero 8pm
Chiefs 0-1 Kanga 9pm

LCO Split 1 2023 Rosters

Reigning LCO champions Chiefs will be out to defend their crown, but have undergone significant changes since their Mexico outing late last year.

Both Raes & Aladoric return as the team’s bot lane duo, with coach Babip steps back into the starting line-up as the team’s jungler. Former Order frontman BioPanther makes a return to the LCO with Chiefs after Order’s dissolution in 2022.

It’s a new Chiefs squad for ’23, but the league champs retain their favourites tag heading into Split 1.

Bliss and Ground Zero make their grand entrance to the LCO with a combination of youth and experience. Meanwhile, Mammoth have built around the 2022 Gravitas core, with Ch1Chi debuting in the LCO as the team’s top laner.

Team Squad
The Chiefs BioPanther Babip Kisee Raes Aladoric
Pentanet.GG Chippys Shernfire DONGGY Violet Apii
Dire Wolves Zorenous Poltron Chazz Praedyth Decoy
Kanga Esports Blue Fighto Hoopa Shinki Papryze
Peace Weizhe sHAKa NuL1 Chayon Chillness
Mammoth Ch1Chi Akano DaJeung Voice Entrust
Team Bliss Lived Whynot Daystar Leemas Benvi
Ground Zero Gaming Tron Gooby mfis Danteh Bulldawg

Time Stamp:

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