Malware Attack Targeted Customers of FedEx Shipping | Comodo LABS

Malware Attack Targeted Customers of FedEx Shipping | Comodo LABS

Source Node: 2098149

Online Security Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Comodo Threat Research Labs (CTRL) team has identified a malware attack that was targeted specifically at business and consumer customers who use FedEx for shipping.

In the multi-language malware campaign, fake emails were sent disguised as official emails from the victim’s company, telling recipients that FedEx was trying to deliver a package to their address but was unable to do so because no one was able to sign for it.

The cybercriminals used a form of social engineering, creating a sense of urgency by asking recipients to click on and print an attachment, and go to their local office to get their package within 48 hours, or it would be returned – thus preying upon the potential fears of recipients and imposing deadlines on them.

If the recipient clicked on the attachment, they activated the malware, which then infected the endpoint.

The malware campaign was targeted to customers in both English and Italian. Screen grabs of intercepted emails are included below.

While close analysis of the emails reveals some irregularities in grammar and syntax, most recipients don’t assume all incoming emails are phishing attempts and thus, may not be reading them as closely as they could be. Also, cybercriminals are getting better at mimicking the colors, logos and feel of official websites. The Comodo team identified this specific malware phishing email through IP, domain and URL analysis.

“Through our specific IP and URL analysis – as well as the Comodo Threat Research Labs’ continuous monitoring and scanning of data from Comodo’s users— our team was able to identify this specific, high-volume malware attack, and we simply want to alert the public to it,” said Fatih Orhan, director of Technology for Comodo and the Comodo Threat Research Labs. “As a company, we work diligently to create innovative technology solutions that stay a step ahead of cybercriminals and keep enterprises and IT environments safe.”

A malware campaign like this can always come back in other forms and target a new group of people. Comodo is advising that potential victims of this phishing campaign, as well as other email phishing schemes:

  • Check the email address and domain name of the company sending it. While it may appear to be an official email, closer inspection will most likely reveal that the actual email address is not affiliated with the domain name of the company
  • Check the URL and domain of the website they’re trying to direct you to. Chances are, the URL and domain are also not affiliated with the company they’re purporting to represent
  • Check with your IT department before opening or clicking on a link that you deem suspicious

For systems administrators and IT directors who want to prevent malware from spreading across their network and endpoints, it’s important to ask the following questions:

  • Do you have a reliable endpoint security protection platform in place?
  • Do you conduct regular penetration testing to look for vulnerabilities?
  • Do you use antivirus, firewall and containment technologies as part of a layered defense system?
  • Have you regularly trained your employees to raise awareness for phishing and other social engineering attacks?

If you feel your company’s IT environment is under attack from phishing, malware, spyware or cyberattacks, contact the security consultants at Comodo

The Comodo Threat Research Labs is made up of more than 40 IT security professionals, ethical hackers, computer scientists and engineers, all full-time Comodo employees, analyzing and filtering spam, phishing and malware from across the globe. With offices in the U.S., Turkey, Ukraine, the Philippines and India, the CTRL team analyzes more than 1 million potential pieces of phishing, spam or other malicious/unwanted emails per day, using the insights and findings to secure and protect its current customer base and the at-large public, enterprise and Internet community.

FedEx Malware

FedEx Malware Attack


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