Organizations Rise Above eDiscovery Challenges with Information...

Organizations Rise Above eDiscovery Challenges with Information…

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eDiscovery Challenges

Common eDiscovery challenges often make the process overwhelming, but proactive information governance and wise use of available technology can help.

eMazzanti Technologies, a NYC area information governance expert and MSP encourages organizations to rise above eDiscovery challenges in a new article on the website. The informative article first asserts that eDiscovery data must be collected from many different types of files and data environments.

The author shares that the right tools enable legal teams to locate and assess the data in place before collecting anything and to complete an early data assessment. He then asserts that the team must use defensible methods to collect and preserve data, including legal holds. He concludes by urging readers to ensure data security by keeping sensitive data in house.

“Each year, organizations spend countless hours and millions of dollars conducting eDiscovery for pending litigation, FOIA requests, audits and more,” related Greg Smith, Vice President of Services Delivery at eGovernance. “Common eDiscovery challenges often make the process overwhelming, but proactive information governance and wise use of available technology can help.”

Below are a few excerpts from the article, “Rise Above eDiscovery Challenges with Information Governance and Technology.”

Collect Massive Amounts of Data from Disparate Sources

“Civil and criminal cases frequently hinge on digital evidence, and that can mean data requests involving millions of document files. With modern collaboration methods, those documents include everything from email and voicemail to word processing files, social media and more.”

“In addition to including many different types of files, eDiscovery must also address numerous data environments. For instance, employees may use both company-owned and personal devices, from laptops to phones and tablets. Additionally, the organization may store data both on-premises and in multiple cloud environments and numerous applications.”

Prevent Digital Spoliation of Evidence

“While gathering these massive amounts of data, legal teams must take care to prevent destruction of or tampering with relevant data. This includes altering or deleting documents in any way. Whether intentional or not, this destruction of evidence, or spoliation, can result in stiff penalties and cause enormous problems.”

Ensure Data Security

“When organizations collect huge amounts of data and send it outside the organization, they effectively lose control of that data. Consider the thumb drives and other copies of data held by opposing counsel and expert witnesses. Every copy of the data distributed represents a cyber security risk.”

eDiscovery Solution to Address eDiscovery Challenges

Locating, collecting, and preserving data in a defensible way can prove difficult and time consuming when organizations do not have control of their data. And because of the amount of data and the time involved, eDiscovery costs typically represent from 20 to 50 percent of the costs of litigation.

eGovernance provides a comprehensive eDiscovery solution to reduce discovery overhead and improve the speed and efficiency of managing requests across disparate systems. Its unique tools allow organizations to centralize eDiscovery. Whether legal counsel reviews data in place or extracts copies for more resilient retention requirements, the data stays secure.

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About eMazzanti Technologies

eMazzanti’s team of trained, certified IT experts rapidly deliver increased revenue growth, data security and productivity for clients ranging from law firms to high-end global retailers, providing advanced cyber security, information governance, retail and payment technology, cloud and mobile solutions, multi-site implementations, 24×7 outsourced network management, remote monitoring, and support.

eMazzanti has made the Inc. 5000 list 9X, including eight consecutive years, is a 4X Microsoft Partner of the Year, the #1 ranked NYC area MSP and NJ Business of the Year! Contact: 1-866-362-9926, or Twitter: @emazzanti Facebook:

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