Part 4 Will Wall Street Coopt and Strangle Etherum?

Source Node: 1263968

Bitcoin is radical and disruptive. In addition to being a totally decentralized, permissionless system, there are no human managers that you can talk to.
Ethereum is different. You can talk to Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Lubin. Techies may prefer Vitalik Buterin and biz types maybe more comfortable with Joseph Lubin, but both are humans that you can talk to.
There are 3 reasons why the answer is Yes to the headline question 4 Will Wall Street Coopt Ethereum?
  • Proof Of Stake appeals to the financial establishment for 5 reasons outlined in Part 2
  • Joseph Lubin is comfortable with the kind of language used by Wall Street executives.
  • Wall Street is full of very powerful and smart firms who are used to coopting disruptive innovation. Think of how Wall Street managed the disruptive innovation from online brokerage from cheap to free.
There is one reason why the answer is No to the headline question. The developers who make Ethereum successful may say no and the human managers -Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Lubin – understand this constraint.

Some subjects are too complex for our short attention spans, so we do 4 posts one week apart, each one short enough not to lose your attention but in aggregate doing justice to the complexity of the subject. Stay tuned by subscribing.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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