Pre-Marketing SaaS Initiatives: Working Through Problem-Solution Fit [Free eBook]

Pre-Marketing SaaS Initiatives: Working Through Problem-Solution Fit [Free eBook]

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There are about a thousand analogies for how important it is not to skip critical steps in a process. We all know that “You have to walk before you can run.” And I love this German proverb, “What’s the use of running if you’re on the wrong road?” 

I won’t bore you with the other 9,998. But let’s just say it’s really important to get all of your ducks in a row (sorry, last one I swear). 

Following all of the steps for properly launching a SaaS company is no different. One of the main reasons that startups fail, however, is because they move too fast and skip steps that are important for future success. We get it. It’s exciting to launch a new company. And there is probably some pressure to start making revenue – in a big way and soon.

But the fact is, SaaS companies are not ready to start marketing their solutions until they’ve reached product-market fit. And they will not truly get there until they’ve thoroughly completed all of the steps in problem-solution fit.

We want to help you set your businness up for success. So the Inturact team has pulled together all 10 of the important strategies in an eBook that you can follow to go from the exciting early stages to product-market fit.

Taking the time to review these stages and apply them to your business will help save you time and money, and improve your business’s potential down the road. We hope you enjoy it!

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