Quantum Vision Transformers

Quantum Vision Transformers

Source Node: 2491912

El Amine Cherrat1, Iordanis Kerenidis1,2, Natansh Mathur1,2, Jonas Landman3,2, Martin Strahm4, and Yun Yvonna Li4

1IRIF, CNRS – Université Paris Cité, France
2QC Ware, Palo Alto, USA and Paris, France
3School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
4F. Hoffmann La Roche AG

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In this work, quantum transformers are designed and analysed in detail by extending the state-of-the-art classical transformer neural network architectures known to be very performant in natural language processing and image analysis. Building upon the previous work, which uses parametrised quantum circuits for data loading and orthogonal neural layers, we introduce three types of quantum transformers for training and inference, including a quantum transformer based on compound matrices, which guarantees a theoretical advantage of the quantum attention mechanism compared to their classical counterpart both in terms of asymptotic run time and the number of model parameters. These quantum architectures can be built using shallow quantum circuits and produce qualitatively different classification models. The three proposed quantum attention layers vary on the spectrum between closely following the classical transformers and exhibiting more quantum characteristics. As building blocks of the quantum transformer, we propose a novel method for loading a matrix as quantum states as well as two new trainable quantum orthogonal layers adaptable to different levels of connectivity and quality of quantum computers. We performed extensive simulations of the quantum transformers on standard medical image datasets that showed competitively, and at times better performance compared to the classical benchmarks, including the best-in-class classical vision transformers. The quantum transformers we trained on these small-scale datasets require fewer parameters compared to standard classical benchmarks. Finally, we implemented our quantum transformers on superconducting quantum computers and obtained encouraging results for up to six qubit experiments.

In this study, we explore the potential of quantum computing to enhance neural network architectures, focusing on transformers, known for their effectiveness in tasks like language processing and image analysis. We introduce three types of quantum transformers, leveraging parametrized quantum circuits and orthogonal neural layers. These quantum transformers, under some assumptions (eg. hardware connectivity), could theoretically provide advantages over classical counterparts in terms of both runtime and model parameters. To create these quantum circuit we present a novel method for loading matrices as quantum states and introduce two trainable quantum orthogonal layers adaptable to different quantum computer capabilities. They require shallow quantum circuits, and could help to create classification models with unique characteristics. Extensive simulations on medical image datasets demonstrate competitive performance compared to classical benchmarks, even with fewer parameters. Additionally, experiments on superconducting quantum computers yield promising results.

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Cited by

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[2] El Amine Cherrat, Snehal Raj, Iordanis Kerenidis, Abhishek Shekhar, Ben Wood, Jon Dee, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Richard Chen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Romina Yalovetzky, and Marco Pistoia, “Quantum Deep Hedging”, Quantum 7, 1191 (2023).

[3] Léo Monbroussou, Jonas Landman, Alex B. Grilo, Romain Kukla, and Elham Kashefi, “Trainability and Expressivity of Hamming-Weight Preserving Quantum Circuits for Machine Learning”, arXiv:2309.15547, (2023).

[4] Sohum Thakkar, Skander Kazdaghli, Natansh Mathur, Iordanis Kerenidis, André J. Ferreira-Martins, and Samurai Brito, “Improved Financial Forecasting via Quantum Machine Learning”, arXiv:2306.12965, (2023).

[5] Jason Iaconis and Sonika Johri, “Tensor Network Based Efficient Quantum Data Loading of Images”, arXiv:2310.05897, (2023).

[6] Nishant Jain, Jonas Landman, Natansh Mathur, and Iordanis Kerenidis, “Quantum Fourier Networks for Solving Parametric PDEs”, arXiv:2306.15415, (2023).

[7] Daniel Mastropietro, Georgios Korpas, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, and Jakub Marecek, “Fleming-Viot helps speed up variational quantum algorithms in the presence of barren plateaus”, arXiv:2311.18090, (2023).

[8] Aliza U. Siddiqui, Kaitlin Gili, and Chris Ballance, “Stressing Out Modern Quantum Hardware: Performance Evaluation and Execution Insights”, arXiv:2401.13793, (2024).

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