Another step to reduce foreign dependancy in defence sector, Genser Aerospace Private Limited will set up a complete aircraft manufacturing unit at the Kanpur node of UP Defence Industrial Corridor (UPDIC). As per officials, manufacturing at UPDIC will commence by 2024.
A meeting was recently organised between UPDIC and Genser Aerospace at Aero India to consolidate the MoU and announced the news at the UP Global Investor Summit 2023.
This is going to be the first private industry (Genser Aerospace) to set up a complete aircraft manufacturing unit at UPDIC with a massive investment of ₹3,000 crore.
Under the aegis of Aerospace Foundation of India (Aerofi), Genser has been working for over five years on the development of the defence transport aircraft RAJAS-Rakshan. RAJAS-Rakshan is a two pilot and seven seat aircraft, with 5 tonnes all-up weight, having a twin turbofan engine with cruise speed of over 0.7 Mach (over 800 kmph) and a range of over 2,000 nautical miles (4,000 km) to travel across India.
RAJAS-Rakshan aircrafts manufactured at UPDIC will be sold within SAARC countries across the world.

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